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Bajrami: Brussels didn't make effort to clarify things (N1, FoNet)

In Pristina there are more perspectives on the current policy of the Government of Serbia, but the common is "huge suspicion that something essential has changed," says the Chief Editor of the daily Koha Ditore, Agron Bajrami.

In an interview with the FoNet agency, Bajrami explains that there is a belief in Pristina that the Serbian government has continuity in policy towards Kosovo as well as the governments before, because it refuses to recognize Kosovo's independence.

Joksimovic: Vucic maps the continuation of the dialogue in Brussels (N1)

The President of the Centre for Foreign Policy, Aleksandra Joksimovic says that it is important, for both Belgrade and Pristina, to find responsible for the bomb attack on a facility in Zubin Potok, on the eve of the SNS rally and the speech of PM Aleksandra Vucic.  Resolving the attack, according to her, is in the interest of all - in Kosovo and in Belgrade.

Dacic: Only in Kosovo is possible demolition of temples without penalty (N1)

Serbian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic says that the desecration of the temple of Christ the Saviour in Pristina, in the presence of Kosovo police at Christmas time, another sad proof that Serbia was right when it opposed the Kosovo's entry into UNESCO.

"Albanians in Kosovo not only that they are incapable to protect Serbian cultural and religious heritage, but they are destroying it without any punishment for the perpetrators," said Dacic in a statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Ambassador Kirby: Vucic and Mustafa to meet on 27 January (N1)

US Ambassador to Serbia Michael Kirby said in talking show "Pressing" on TV N1 that the prime ministers of Serbia and Kosovo will meet on 27 January.

Speaking about the talks with Pristina, Kirby points out that it is good that there is constant contact and "already on 27 January, the prime ministers will meet".

Ambassador Kirby praised the work of Dacic's and Vucic's government, and the President Nikolic, and that he supports their work on the road to the EU, economic reforms, the dialogue with Pristina.

Simic officially assumed the position of the Head of the Serbian List (N1)

The Head of the parliamentary group of the Serbian List Slavko Simic took over officially the office of President of the Citizen Initiative Serbian List, from Aleksandar Jablanovic, who was appointed Secretary of State in the Ministry of Labor, Employment, and Social Issues of the Government of Serbia.

Vukadinovic on agreements: There is no big reason to celebrate (N1)

Political analyst Djordje Vukadinovic said today, commenting on the signing of four agreements between Kosovo and Serbia in Brussels, that there was no reason for great celebration.

Speaking on the N1, Vukadinovic said he did not know whether the signing of these agreements was a success because the statements of the two parties differ.

Self-Determination: Kosovo will be the second BiH with the ZSO (N1)

One of the main topics of talks between Belgrade and Pristina in Brussels is about the Association/Community of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO). Attitudes are different in Serbia and Kosovo on jurisdiction and the format of this Association/Community. Question of jurisdiction of the ZSO is completed, said Edita Tahiri, and Ilir Deda of Self-Determination claims that Kosovo will be the second BiH with this community.

The question of the powers of the Community/Association of Serbian municipalities, the head of Kosovo's negotiating team, Edita Tahiri considered complete.