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Former KFOR Officer: I will see to it that Norway withdraws the recognition of Kosovo (B92, Tanjug)

I will fight for Norway to annul the recognition of so-called Kosovo, a Norwegian Christian Cash, former KFOR Officer claims

"My aim is to try to persuade Norway to withdraw the recognition of so-called Kosovo. I talked to many about that, and as a member of the Democracy party, I tried to enter the Parliament two years ago. Had I succeeded, I would have suggested to the Government to annul the recognition”, Cash says for Belgrade based daily Politika.

Russian Ambassador to Serbia "rebuked" his US counterpart: Those are fabrications (B92, Vecernje Novosti, Tanjug)

Statements by US Ambassador to Serbia Anthony Godfrey "on the malign influence of Moscow in Europe" is Washington's fabrication, striving for global domination.

Russian Ambassador to Serbia, Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko told Belgrade based daily Vecernje Novosti that Washington "makes great efforts in waging its awkward ideological battle, putting to use its overt propagandistic machinery, no longer worrying about any arguments in support of its fabrications".

PM Brnabic: Continuation of the dialogue depends on the tax, not the election (TV Prva, B92, Tanjug, Radio Mitrovica Sever)

The continuation of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue has nothing to do with the possible elections in Kosovo, but solely with taxes, said Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic this morning in morning TV Prva Show.

Brnabic called the current political developments in Kosovo a farce, thus answering the question how the possible elections and political turmoil in Kosovo will reflect on further dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and when its continuation can be expected at all.

In the recent couple of days, Pristina raised indictments against fifty Serbs (B92, Tanjug)

B92 portal reported that Ivan Todosijevic said that Pristina aim was to intimidate Kosovo Serbs by organized attacks and fabricated indictments, along with other forms of pressure.

"That is why this indictment does not present personal assault but an assault on the Serbs in general, primarily in the north of Kosovo and Metohija", Ivan Todosijevic, member of the Serbian List leadership says, commenting on the indictment that Pristina authorities had raised against him as a consequence of his denial of ''Racak massacre''.

Chairman of the Coordination Body for Bujanovac, Presevo and Medvedja responded to Albanians from the south of Serbia (Tanjug, B92)

"The holding of an extraordinary session of the Pristina Parliament on the situation of the Albanians in the south of Serbia is commendable if this session will contribute to a better understanding," said the Chairman of the Coordination Body for Bujanovac, Presevo and Medvedja Zoran Stankovic.

He expressed his belief that the assistance announced by the Pristina parliament for Albanians in these three municipalities in Serbia will be for the benefit of all citizens living there.

Vucic comments Serwer's statement: He can forget that movie, he and everyone else (Tanjug, B92)

President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic stated that he was ready to compromise on the solution of the Kosovo problem, but that he was not ready for the Belgrade to give everything, without getting anything, reports Tanjug.

Vucic thus commented on the statement by professor of Washington University John Hopkins and the Balkans expert Daniel Serwer that Vucic was not ready for a historic compromise.

Dacic: Guterres fully informed about the situation in Kosovo (RTS, Tanjug)

Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met in New York with UN Secretary-General António Guterres, reports Serbian state broadcaster RTS.

Dacic met with Guterres after the UN Security Council session on Kosovo.

Dacic told state news agency Tanjug that that the UN Secretary General was fully informed about the situation in Kosovo.

Ahead UN Security Council session, Dacic and Lavrov about Kosovo in St Petersburg (Tanjug, Beta)

Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in St Petersburg about the situation in Kosovo, prior to the June 10 session of the UN Security Council.

Dacic told reporters in St. Petersburg, where he is taking part in the International Economic Forum, that he introduced in detail the plan of Serbia on the issue of Kosovo to Lavrov, and that the head of Russian diplomacy told him that Moscow absolutely supported Serbia and that the support would be clearly expressed and at a session of the UN Security Council on Monday.