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Dacic and the new UNHCR Representative discuss IDPs (Blic, Tanjug)

BELGRADE - Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic and the new representative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Belgrade Hans Friedrich Schodder discussed on Thursday the issue of displaced persons in Serbia and the implementation of the Regional Housing Program for refugees.

The two officials expressed their support for a further cooperation between Serbia and the UNHCR in resolving the issues of long-term displacement, statelessness and a large increase in asylum seekers, the Serbian Foreign Ministry said in a release.

Albanian ambassador delivered letter of protest (Tanjug)

BELGRADE – The Serbian Foreign Ministry presented Albanian Ambassador to Serbia with a letter of protest condemning a recent unacceptable statement made by Albania Prime Minister Edi Rama about a unification of Albania and Kosovo.

The ministry has also sent a relevant document to the UN Security Council, with a request to have it circulated as a Security Council document, Serbian Foreign Minister said in a release on Thursday.


Djuric: We will protect property on Mt Brezovica (Tanjug)

The Serbian government will do everything in its power to protect the state property in the Mt Brezovica ski resort in Kosovo, says the head of the government Office for Kosovo-Metohija Marko Djuric.

We maintain constant contact with representatives of the international community and potential investors, who have been made aware that Serbia is not in principle against investments, but that the issue of how Serbs will participate in each potential investment and how Serbia's property will be treated must be solved first, Djuric said on Tuesday.

Latest proceedings in Kosovo can jeopardise Serbs' survival (Tanjug)

GRACANICA - Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Branimir Stojanovic warned on Tuesday that the latest proceedings in Kosovo can jeopardise the survival of Serbs and added that the only solution lies in the constitution of the Community of Serb municipalities.

During a conference in Gracanica, Stojanovic talked about burning issues of the Sebs in Kosovo among which he has cited and dysfunctionality of the judiciary system in Kosovo. 

He underscored that not enough Serbs are deployed on key positions in the police and judiciary, especially the Prosecutor's Office.

Vucic: Kosovo and Albania will not unite (Tanjug)

Kosovo and Albania will never unite, Serbia's Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic said on Tuesday in reaction to Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama's statement.

I promise (Albanian) Prime Minister Edi Rama that Kosovo and Albania will never unite in 'a classic way', as he put it. I am calling on Albanian leaders to stop causing instability in the region, Vucic posted on his Twitter account.

Victims' families notified about identification results (Tanjug)

Representatives of the Department for Forensic Medicine informed the families of 28 victims whose remains were discovered in the mass grave in Rudnica near Raska about the identification results and presented them with relevant documents.

The remains of 28 victims will be buried in the village of Rezala on April 5, municipality of Srbica in Kosovo, EULEX released on Thursday.

Djuric: Belgrade fulfilled all obligations, Pristina did not (Tanjug)

Director of the Serbian government’s Office for Kosovo-Metohija (KiM) Marko Djuric said in Mitrovica on Thursday that Belgrade had implemented all points, from the 7th to the 15th, of the Brussels agreement on the normalization of relations with Pristina.

It now rests with Pristina to implement the first six points of this agreement, Djuric said at a meeting with representatives of local governments in northern Kosovo.