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Kosovo not ready for border demarcation with Montenegro (The Washington Post)

TIRANA, Albania — Kosovo’s new prime minister said Wednesday his government has no set deadline for resolving the impasse over the ratification of a border demarcation deal with Montenegro.

Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj, speaking in Albania on his first trip abroad since taking the post earlier this month, said his Cabinet was working on the issue and would talk with Montenegro “when we have a clearer situation of our findings.”

Last week Haradinaj named a new government commission on border demarcation and maintenance.

"Work on demarcation starts this week" (Indeksonline)

Florim Isufi, member of the new Committee for demarcation of the border with Montenegro, says that this commission will start with its work within this week, while the report is expected to be ready for one month.

He said that they are completing documentation and after this, head of the Committee, Shpejtim Bulliqi, will consult the Prime Minister, Ramush Haradinaj on the start of the work. “If my will was considered, we would have started today, but I believe that it will start this week,” Isufaj said.

Montenegrin FM: We consider border demarcation issue with Kosovo closed (Klan Kosova)

Montenegro’s Foreign Minister, Srdjan Darmanovic, told the media that his country considers the border demarcation issue with Kosovo to be closed. “Montenegro has resolved this issue. We entered a serious process of demarcation with Kosovo and the signing of the agreement was done in the framework of the Berlin Process as a result of the work of international commissions,” Darmanovic said.

Government of Kosovo appoints members to border demarcation commission (media)

Government of Kosovo announced it has appointed members to the commission for border demarcation with Montenegro, after Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj dismissed the last one soon after being elected. The commission will consist of experts Zejnullah Gruda, Martin Berishaj, Hamit Basholli, Florim Isufi and Riza Smaka and chaired by Shpejtim Bulliqi.


Montenegro hopes Pristina will approve border demarcation agreement (Koha)

Head of Montenegro’s commission for border demarcation with Kosovo, Milan Paunovic, told the media that the border issue is Kosovo’s internal matter but that he hoped Pristina authorities would approve the agreement already signed by the two parties in 2015. Paunovic did not wish to make any further comments saying that the Montenegrin government has not received any official notification about changes in the Kosovo’s border demarcation commission or plans for renegotiating of the current agreement.

Lunacek to the new government: Vote the demarcation (Klan Kosova)

The EU Rapporteur for Kosovo, Urlike Lunacek, said that the new elected government should vote demarcation of the border with Montenegro. “I hope that those elected after the 11 June would act with responsibility and vote demarcation of the border with Montenegro and seriously fight corruption – the two main conditions for liberalization of visas,” Lunacek said through a video message for Kosovo, regional and international students who held a simulating meeting in Kosovo, and discussed visa liberalization among other issues.

Kurti: Dialogue with Serbia to be based on reciprocity principle (KTV)

Vetevendosje’s candidate for prime minister, Albin Kurti, said in an interview with KTV that if elected he would not continue talks with Serbia in the same way as in the past and that he would work on establishing direct talks with Kosovo Serbs. “We would not stop dialogue with Serbia but our government would have certain conditions to its resumption. Serbia would have to agree to the principle of reciprocity with Kosovo. I believe we wound find many friends that would support our stance towards Serbia,” Kurti said.

Haradinaj: No room in Kosovo for association of Serb municipalities (Insajderi)

Ramush Haradinaj, leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and candidate for prime minister from the coalition with the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), said at a memorial ceremony in the village of Jabllanica that he would use the trust given by the citizens and the political parties for the good of Kosovo and not political interests of his party.

Vetevendosje vows to continue opposing border demarcation deal (Koha/Klan Kosova)

Vetevendosje leader, Visar Ymeri, said in press conference today that the government of Kosovo had “no courage” to send the border demarcation agreement to the Assembly today. “The government also knows it to be damaging for the country,” he told reporters. He said that Vetevendosje would continue to oppose the border demarcation agreement by employing “all forms of protest.”