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Government postpones sending border agreement to Assembly

The government of Kosovo postponed the meeting scheduled for today where it was expected to submit the border demarcation agreement to the Assembly for ratification. In a statement, the government said the decision to postpone came after consultations between coalition partners - the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) – held in the presence of U.S. representatives.

Fajon: Kosovo to either ratify border agreement or find another alternative (Telegrafi/DW)

European Parliament’s rapporteur for visa liberalisation for Kosovo, Tanja Fajon, said in an interview to Deutsche Welle that Kosovo needs to either ratify the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro or find a different alternative but that the decision would have to be taken by Kosovo politicians. Fajon said she understood the sensitivity of the border demarcation as a condition for visa liberalisation but added that it was imposed by the European Commission and that the government of Kosovo led by Hashim Thaci at the time, agreed.

Vujanovic: We expect Kosovo to ratify the agreement, it is in their benefit (Voice of America)

Montenegrin officials express interest for a solution of the demarcation issue with Kosovo as soon as possible.

Podgorica authorities stress that the issue of the border cannot affect bilateral relations between Montenegro and Kosovo and that Montenegro is ready to support Kosovo in concluding the process.

They stress that demarcation was made by both respective parties.

What was discussed last night at the meeting between government and opposition (gazeta metro)

Representatives of the Albanian political parties at coalition government and those of the opposition parties, met on Friday afternoon. Media were not allowed at the meeting where deputy leaders of the political parties reportedly discussed the current political issues.

Viets: Border demarcation agreement strengthens Kosovo’s status (RTK)

In an interview to RTK, German Ambassador Angelika Viets said that the debate over the ratification of border demarcation agreement with Montenegro has been overly polarized. “The border demarcation agreement, reached after three years of work, has been reviewed several times. Among others, this was also done by a group of international experts commissioned by then president Jahjaga which also included a renowned German expert, Dr. Wilmes.

Demarcation and Association will not pass, be it with Serbian or Russian List (Gazeta Metro)

Kosovo Assembly MP from Vetevendosje movement, Rexhep Selimi, said that demarcation of the border with Montenegro and Association of the Serb-majority Municipalities would not pass at the Assembly despite the return of the Serbian List at the Assembly. “The government by all means needs return of the Serbian List at the Assembly in order to fight Vetevendosje’s and opposition’s cause,” Selimi said. However, he added, “we are determined to stop the Association and demarcation even if they invite a Russian list.”

Serbian List to support border demarcation agreement with Montenegro (Klan Kosova)

Slavko Simic, leader of the Serbian List which today decided to end its six-month boycott of Kosovo institutions, said at the meeting of the Kosovo Assembly presidency that they are ready to vote in favour of the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro. This, said Simic, would be done “for the sake of the citizens so that they don’t remain isolated.”

Mustafa: Commission’s report on border demarcation to approved this week (media)

Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, said the government will endorse this week the Commission for measuring of Kosovo territory report this week which gave the green light to the current version of the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro. At the government meeting, Mustafa said this is the last chance for the agreement to be ratified and pave way for visa liberalisation.  “Ratification cannot fail,” Mustafa is quoted in Klan Kosova.