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PM Vucic ready to establish "hotline with Pristina" (B92, Pink)

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic said on Tuesday in Davos, Switzerland that "peace and stability have the greatest importance."

In this regard, Vucic added, he was "also ready to establish a hotline between Belgrade - Pristina.

Vucic told TV Pink that he had "many important discussion for Serbia at the World Economic Forum," and underlined that he believes "we will have the strength to calm down certain things - even those that were under no influence of ours whatsoever."

Nikolic to U.S. ambassador: You've created lots of trouble (B92)

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic on Tuesday in Belgrade received U.S. Ambassador to Serbia Kyle Scott.

Nikolic told him that he "understands the U.S. is unconditionally supporting a thing whose creation it directly influenced," and that Washington "caused a lot of trouble by exercising its will."

The president also expressed his hope that such conduct would stop when the new U.S. administration takes over.

"Armed conflict in Europe averted by cool heads in Belgrade" (B92)

An armed conflict in the middle of Europe was averted over the weekend, says Sergei Zheleznyak, international secretary of the ruling United Russia party.

He said peace was preserved on Saturday "only thanks to the peacefulness and the strong nerves exhibited by Serbia's leadership and Aleksandar Vucic personally."

Lavrov: Albanian forces should not be in northern Kosovo (B92)

Russian Foreign Minister on Tuesday said that a new war in the Balkans must be avoided, and that Albanian forces should not be in northern Kosovo and Metohija.

Speaking during his annual news conference in Moscow, Lavrov touched on the latest tensions between Belgrade and Pristina.

"The forces of Kosovo Albanians should not be present in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, which is inhabited by Serbs," said Lavrov.

Vucic: Our wisdom preserved peace in Kosovo (B92)

"Thanks to the wisdom and the desire to avoid conflicts and preserve peace Serbia managed to do that," PM Aleksandar Vucic said on Sunday evening in Belgrade.

Speaking about the incidents in Kosovo over a passenger train traveling from Belgrade to Kosovska Mitrovica, Vucic, who was a guest on a TV Pink talk show, added:

"A good number of Serbs are angry that we did not push the train to Kosovska Mitrovica, we could have done that, but there would have been dead on both sides."

Serbia wants France to extradite Haradinaj "without delay" (Serbian media)

Serbia will not give up on prosecuting all persons accused of war crimes until they have been brought before justice, says Marko Djuric.

The director of the Serbian Office for Kosovo and Metohija spoke in Belgrade on Friday, after an extraordinary meeting of the government dedicated to Thursday's decision of a French court to release Ramush Haradinaj from jail pending a decision on Serbia's extradition request.

Bus carrying Serb high school students stoned in Kosovo (TV Puls, B92)

A bus carrying students of two high schools home attacked with stones around 13:00 CET on Thursday on the Šilovo-Koretište road in Kosovo.

"Four unidentified young men" attacked the bus, TV Puls from Šilovo has reported.

Nobody was injured during the incident, while minor material damage was done to the vehicle.

According to the driver of the bus, Zoran Stević, the attackers used stones and snowballs and were "about 15 years old."

Government to "react" to French court's decision on Friday (Serbian media)

First Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Ivica Dačić said Thursday the government would not react today to the release from custody in France of Ramush Haradinaj.

Serbian state broadcaster RTS is reporting that Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić has scheduled a meeting of his cabinet for Friday, "during which a decision will be made."

Haradinaj, a Kosovo Albanian politician and former KLA commander, was arrested last week in France on a Serbian war crimes warrant.

Danger of terrorist acts in Kosovo is now "high" (Serbian media)

Milovan Drecun said on Wednesday that "incidents cannot be ruled out" in the coming period, "due to the situation in Kosovo and Metohija."

The chairman of the Serbian National Assembly's Committee on Kosovo and Metohija said this particularly in view of the arrest of Ramush Haradinaj, adding that the danger of terrorist acts being carried out in Kosovo was "high."