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Ukraine's ambassador to Serbia: Why are you doing this? (B92, Blic)

Ukraine's Ambassador in Belgrade Oleksandr Aleksandrovych says Serbia's vote against a UN resolution on Crimea "could return like a boomerang."

"There's an English expression - 'to shoot yourself in the foot'. I believe that is exactly what Serbia has done with such a vote, because at some point in the future, such a decision may come back like a boomerang in your efforts to keep Kosovo. I don't understand why you are doing this," Aleksandrovych has told the Belgrade-based newspaper Blic.

Attempt to get Kosovo to CoE "through back door" fails (B92)

However, this is not the end of the fight for our national interests, says Aleksandra Djurovic, the head of Serbia's delegation in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE).

Serbia's delegation succeeded in preventing the adoption of a memorandum which would have given several seats to representatives of the Kosovo Assembly in the plenary hall in Strasbourg, as well as the opportunity to participate in discussions, suggest proposals, and sign draft resolutions.

OSCE presents "safety guide" to reporters in Kosovo (KIM radio, B92)

The OSCE Mission in Kosovo has presented two journalist associations in Kosovo with its Safety Guide manual.

The Association of Journalists of Kosovo and the Association of Journalists of Serbia in Kosovo also received desktop computers, laptops, and printers.

The ceremony was attended by the presidents of the two associations, Shkelqim Hysenaj and Budmir Nicic, and the head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo's media section, Dane Koruga.

FM: Belgrade wants continuation of dialogue, not accusations (B92)

Belgrade wants a continuation of the dialogue with Pristina in a status-neutral way, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic has said.

That also implies that Pristina does not begin every discussion with references to "genocide" or "ethnic cleansing" allegedly committed by Serbia, he told a regular news conference in Belgrade on Thursday.

Pristina is displaying nervousness because it is less and less successful on the international scene, Dacic said.

Agreement on judiciary - "step closer to ZSO" (B92)

Implementation of the agreement on the judiciary means that Serb judges and prosecutors will now participate in the work of judicial institutions in Kosovo.

This significantly boosts the chances of proceedings being based on law, rather than ethnicity, says Milovan Drecun, chairman of the Serbian National Assembly's Committee on Kosovo and Metohija.

"This also means we are a step closer to forming the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO)," Drecun told state broadcaster RTS on Thursday.

Dacic walked out of Warsaw meeting "because of insults" (B92)

Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic says he left a meeting in Warsaw on Tuesday "because of the insults made by Kosovo Foreign Minister Enver Hoxhaj."

Dacic said on Wednesday that Hoxhaj accused Serbs of being guilty for "all wars in the former Yugoslavia and for genocide."

The meeting in Poland brought together members of the Visegrad Group and of the so-called Western Balkans Six.

Community of Serb Municipalities as "key issue" (media)

Establishment of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) is a key issue raised by Belgrade's delegation with EU representatives in Brussels.

Marko Djuric, head of the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija, said this on Tuesday.

Although it has committed itself to this at the top political level, Pristina is still unwilling to discuss the topic, he said, according to Tanjug.