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Jobs for 483 members of the Civil Protection (RTK2)

Pristina-based daily ‘Koha ditore’ reported that Kosovo government institutions will open 483 jobs in northern Kosovo for members of the Civil Protection, which is due to be disbanded.

Members of the Civil Protection will get a new boss but they won’t change the office location. They will be engaged in all government services and agencies, but they won’t change the premises which they currently use in northern Kosovo.


Jablanović: I do not believe in the dissolving of Civil Protection (RTK2)

Mayor of Leposavic and member of the team for the implementation of the Brussels Agreement Dragan Jablanović said that agreement on the dissolving of civil protection, as claimed by the Government of Kosovo, was not reached in Brussels. "Pristina is requesting it because it has the wrong perception on the Civil Protection. They think it is an armed formation, which is totally absurd," said Jablanović, indicating that people working in the Civil Protection help in natural disasters. 

Albanians begin construction works, Serbs very concerned (dailies)

Ethnic Albanians began construction works in the Brdjani neighborhood in northern Kosovska Mitrovica on Friday morning, causing a stir among local Serbs who gathered to voice their protest.

In the meantime, an intervention unit of the Kosovo police, and EULEX police arrived at the site, says Tanjug's on-site-reporter.

North Mitrovica Mayor Goran Rakic is also among the gathered citizens, and the situation is under control for now.


Situation in the north tense, Serbs impede building of Albanian houses (Telegrafi)

Rebuilding of the Albanian houses at Kroi i Vitakut neighborhood in Mitrivica, was impeded today by dozens of Serb people.

Kosova Press has learned that this group of Serb individuals has attacked at around 09:30 an excavator of “Euro Ndertimi” company, which was used to build six Albanian houses at this neighborhood.

Former Serbian police officers announced protest tomorrow in Mitrovica (KoSSev)

At least 500 former Serbian police officers and administrative staff from all former Serbian police department in northern and southern Kosovo will stage a protest tomorrow at 11:00 in North Mitrovica in front of the Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo and Meotohija, which is only the initial one since they announced another one in a week time, which could be radicalized by blockades of administrative crossings in the north if their requests are not met.