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TV Most: Ivanović and Milović are exercising inappropriate pressure on the media (TV Most)

Leadership of the Television Most from Zvečan issued on yesterday a statement, in a response to the announcement of the representatives of CI SDP Oliver Ivanović and CI “For Our Zvečan”- Dragiša Milović, to file a lawsuit against this media.

According to the press statement, the controversial videos were aired on this TV station, “under commercial conditions and within a paid term”, and therefore, representatives of these two civic initiatives “thereby exerted undue pressure on the media”.

“Horrific campaign against Ivanovic, Milovic and Jablanovic” (FoNet, KIM Radio)

Five journalist and media associations (NUNS, NDNV, ANEM, LP and AOM) in the strongest terms condemned airing of a promotional video on TV Most and TV Pink by which “a horrific campaign” is underway against Oliver Ivanovic and his colleagues Dragisa Milovic and Dragan Jablanovic, Serbian media reported.

“The acts of the above mentioned media represent a grave violation of journalistic standards and electoral rules, something that Oliver Ivanovic warned the Independent Media Commission in Kosovo yesterday and complained against the work of TV Most from Zvecan,” KIM Radio reported.

Ivanovic: We are appalled over TV Most video

Mayoral candidate for Mitrovica North municipality, Oliver Ivanovic stated that since the last campaign in 2013 until today nothing has been done in Mitrovica. “Security became topic number one,” Ivanovic said. He criticized the work of TV Most and TV Pink that took the side of one political option, KIM Radio reported.

Ivanovic said the pre-election campaign is held under weird circumstances, and there is no possibilities that candidates debate about their opinion.

Ivanovic: Local elections – local topics (Kontakt plus radio)

Leader of the Civic Initiative, Freedom, Democracy, Justice (GI SDP), Oliver Ivanovic in an interview to Kontakt plus radio spoke about forthcoming local elections in Kosovo, pre-election campaign, but also about internal dialogue on Kosovo and Metohija, called by the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic.

Tensions ahead of local elections in Kosovo (Vesti)

Low blows, insults, repression, blackmail, division on "traitors" and "patriots" are the moves that the Serb parties withdraw in the fight for supremacy. Many citizens say they are in fear, they feel pressures and blackmail, and they point finger to the Serbian List, which is the absolute winner of the past Kosovo local elections, which controls payroll lists of public companies and institutions.

Ivanovic on elections, Milović’s wife demoted from position of head of department (Kontakt plus radio, KoSSev portal)

Leader of the Civic Initiative Freedom, Democracy, Justice (GI SDP) and a candidate for mayor of North Mitrovica, Oliver Ivanović, said at the press conference that the atmosphere during the pre-election campaign in Kosovo resembles the one before the 5 October 2000 in Serbia, Serbian media reported.

Ivanovic said that the pressure continues on the people from his list and from CI “For our Zvečan” led by Doctor Dragiša Milović, and according to him, the latest development are the invitations of the directors of all subordinates to the direct talks.

Ivanovic and Milovic: It is dangerous that Djuric divides Serbs in Kosovo (BETA, Kontakt plus radio)

Mayoral candidates for Mitrovica North and Zvecan municipalities, Oliver Ivanovic and Dragisa Milovic, criticized yesterday a call of the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo Director, Marko Djuric to the Kosovo Serbs to support Srpska Lista in the local elections, scheduled for 22 October, Kontakt plus radio reported.

They said that divisions Djuric is talking about are dangerous and warned it is the Brussels agreement that breaks the links with Serbia and not citizens wishing to support some other parties or lists.

Sapic visits Kosovo, received with protests and insults (TV N1, KoSSev portal)

Former famous Serbian water-polo player and current mayor of Novi Beograd municipality, Aleksandar Sapic is paying a two-day visit to Kosovo, upon the invitation of Oliver Ivanovic, leader of the Civic Initiative Freedom, Democracy, Justice, N1 TV reports quoting KoSSev portal.

However, Sapic was received last night in Mitrovica North with protests, where a group of mainly young people carried insulting banners, Serbian media further said.

Ivanović: Citizens and local self-government will suffer the damage caused by the pressures (KIM radio)

"It is unimaginable what kinds of pressure are suffering all the members of the SDP who were running for the forthcoming local elections," Oliver Ivanović said after the resignation of Dr Zoran Spasojević's candidature.

Commenting on Spasojević’s decision to withdraw his candidacy for the councillor in front of the CI SDP list for the upcoming local elections, Oliver Ivanović says that such a decision was influenced by pressure.

Ivanović and Milović: Complaints filed against unknown perpetrators for the pressures on candidates (Kontakt plus radio)

Representatives of the CI SDP and “Together for Zvečan” and candidates for mayors and North Mitrovica and Zvečan, Oliver Ivanović and Dragiša Milović announced that they filed complaints against unknown perpetrators for the pressures on candidates for councillors who withdrew their candidacies from these two lists, reports Kontakt plus radio.

The complaints have been filed with the Serbian prosecutor, the radio reports.