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Rada Trajkovic sought protection from Serbian MIA (RTS, Politika)

The president of the European Movement of Serbs from Kosovo, Rada Trajkovic to receive police protection, reports Radio Television of Serbia (RTS).

Rada Trajkovic told Belgrade based daily Politika that she contacted the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) because she felt that her and the safety of her family was endangered, reports RTS.

Rosic and Spasojevic begun hunger strike, request transfer to Mitrovica North detention unit (KoSSev)

Marko Rosic and Nedeljko Spasojevic, suspected of involvement in the murder of Civic Initiative Freedom, Democracy, Justice (GI SDP) leader Oliver Ivanovic begun a hunger strike on Monday, KoSSev portal reported. The detention of the two Serbs from Mitrovica North was extended yesterday for two more months as confirmed by the Kosovo Special Prosecutor Syle Hoxha.

Rosic and Spasojevic requested transfer to the detention unit in Mitrovica North, Negovan Saranovic, defense lawyer of Spasojevic said, adding he would file an appeal against the decision to extend the detention.

Brnabic: Statement of Rada Trajkovic scandalous (Tanjug)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic considers that the statement of Rada Trajkovic, accusing Serbia for “state terrorism”, is scandalous, Tanjug news agency reports.

“I do not know in what other country something like that could happen? To accuse the President of the Republic for something like that, without evidence and with arbitrary claims. It runs contrary to the common sense”, Brnabic said.

Hoxha: Trajkovic made a statement last year (KoSSev)

Belgrade-based tabloid Alo reported two days ago that the leader of the Serb European Movement from Kosovo, Rada Trajkovic gave a statement to the Kosovo Prosecutor’s Office which was allegedly the reason why the custody of two Serbs from Mitrovica North, accused of involvement in the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, was extended, KoSSev portal reports.

Meanwhile, Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Marko Djuric harshly criticized Trajkovic yesterday, while Trajkovic herself denied these allegations, arguing she was not a witness in Ivanovic’s case.

Alliance for Serbia: Marko Djuric to resign over lynch against Rada Trajkovic (Danas)

Alliance for Serbia (SzS) has condemned today “a lynch and drawing a target on Rada Trajkovic” conducted, as they said in the press statement, “by the regime tabloid Alo and Marko Djuric,” Danas daily reported.

According to the Alliance for Serbia, the tabloid Alo and Djuric “utter monstrous lies on the involvement of Rada Trajkovic in the murder investigation of Oliver Ivanovic, run by the Kosovo prosecution.”

Tabloid Alo, Djuric accuse Rada Trajkovic of testifying against Serbian state, Trajkovic denies and announces lawsuit (KoSSev)

The tabloid Alo accused the Kosovo Serb politician Rada Trajkovic yesterday of testifying in case of the murder of Oliver Ivanovic thus “becoming an accomplice in the plot to steer the Ivanovic’s murder investigation in the wrong direction and accuse the state of Serbia, its political elite and security structures of this act”, KoSSev portal reported.

SDP: Even after 15 months no official facts on murder of Oliver Ivanovic (BETA, Danas)

Civic Initiative Freedom, Democracy, Justice (GI SDP) warned today that even after 15 months since the murder of its leader Oliver Ivanovic “there are still no official details or facts” related to this crime, Danas daily reports.

SDP recalled in the statement that Kosovo Special Prosecutor recently stated the investigation into Ivanovic’s murder is still ongoing, while the Serbian Prosecution, as the SDP said, “did not even make a statement.”

Kosovo's Special Prosecutor Hoxha: We have reasons to suspect that Radoicic was involved in Ivanovic's murder (NIN, KIM radio)

By gathering evidence during the investigation, we have come to the reasonable suspicion that Radoicic worked with people who are now in custody, and who are suspected of having participated or assisting the perpetrators of the murder of the SDP leader, Oliver Ivanovic. Of course, all this has yet to be confirmed, says the Kosovo Special Prosecutor, Sylë Hoxha to the Belgrade based weekly NIN, KIM radio is quoting.

Special Prosecutor in Ivanovic’ case: Proceedings against four, still insufficient evidence to issue any indictments (KoSSev)

“Those are political statements, I do not have such information,“ Kosovo Special Prosecutor in the investigation of Oliver Ivanovic’s murder, Sylë Hoxha told KoSSev portal, following a series of mutual accusations between Belgrade and Pristina on who are the perpetrators and instigators of the murder of  Kosovo Serb leader. Hoxha also urged them to report any information they might have.