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Nikolic: Missing Serbs issue should be resolved systemically (Tanjug, IRS)

BELGRADE - Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic and representatives of the Coordination of the Serbian Associations of Families of Missing Persons from the Territory of Former Yugoslavia agreed Wednesday that it was necessary to adopt a systemic approach to resolving the issue of search for the Serbs who went missing during the wars in the former Yugoslavia in 1990s.

The representatives of families of missing persons spoke to Nikolic about problems they faced in attempts to determine the fate of their loved ones, the president’s press office said in a release.

Simic: German plan for Serbia implies Kosovo at the UN (Blic)

Professor of Political Sciences in Belgrade, Predrag Simic, said today that the German plan for the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina and the continuation of EU integration for Belgrade implies Kosovo's membership in the United Nations.

- If for Germany the model for Kosovo is the agreement of two German states from the sixties and seventies, it does not imply formal recognition but involves the normalization of relations in all areas, meaning and membership (Kosovo) in the UN - Simic told Beta news agency.

Nikolic: We are not ready to violate the constitution because of Kosovo (Vecernje Novosti)

Serbia would have to find another president and prime minister, who would be willing to violate the Constitution and talk with representatives of Pristina as representatives of an independent state, said Tomislav Nikolic.

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic said today that the EU would expect from Belgrade to complete negotiations with Pristina and to fully regulate its position on Kosovo.

Vucic is not going to Gracanica (Danas)

Serbian PM, Aleksandar Vucic, will not attend the unveiling of the monument dedicated to  King Milutin in the yard of the school in Gracanica, which is celebrating 140 years of its existence. Branimir Stojanovic, mayor of Gracanica, a municipality in Kosovo system of local government, said that celebration was postponed due to technical reasons, and will be held probably at the end of November."

Serbian President says he refused to meet with Rama (Blic, B92, Tanjug)

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolić's office said late on Monday that he had refused to receive visiting Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama. The reason is that "provocations were to be expected from him," a statement said.

"On the occasion of the provocations of Albanian Premier Edi Rama during his visit to Serbia, the Presidential Service for Media Cooperation is stressing that this kind of behavior was expected from him, which was the key reason why President Tomislav Nikolić refused to meet with him," a statement said.

Serbia stands ready to boost its UN peacekeeping role (Tanjug)

BELGRADE - Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic said during a meeting with United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations Herve Ladsous in Belgrade on Monday that Serbia stood ready to increase its contributions to UN peacekeeping operations.

Nikolic stressed the importance of UN peacekeeping forces and their contribution to the preservation of stability in the world, especially in Southeastern Europe.

Nikolic: Serbia suitable country for OSCE chairmanship (Tanjug)

BELGRADE - Serbia is a suitable country for OSCE chairmanship at a time when the search for a solution to the problem in Ukraine is underway, Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic said in an interview for the Russian national television and expressed the wish for the solution to be found soon.

Ukraine is a friend to Serbia and it has not recognised the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo-Metohija, Nikolic said in an interview broadcast by the Saturday news show on the Russia-24 channel.