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Solana supports Ivanovic (TV Most)

Former Secretary-General of NATO and chief of European Union diplomacy Javier Solana is one of the persons who supported the leader of SDP Oliver Ivanovic in the case led by EULEX court in Mitrovica, according to which he was sentenced to nine years in prison. Thanks to him, as well as other officials such as General William Nash and former UNMIK Administrator for Mitrovica James Fitt, foreign legal experts will be included in writing Ivanovic's appeal against the judgment.

Vladisavljević: Agreement on diplomas from 4 April (TV Most)

Director of the Office for the Coordination of talks with Pristina Dragan Vladisavljević said that on 4 April should start implementation of the Brussels agreement on diplomas. "The implementation of higher education documents was agreed and it includes specific procedures with mediation of the European University Association. We have submitted a list of 18 universities, including the  Pristina University, with temporary seat in Mitrovica," he said.

Kosovo customs blocked shipment of Fehmiu’s books to Kosovo (TV Most)

The entire shipment of the second part of the biography of Bekim Fehmiu ‘Brilliant and terrifying’, which was published in Albanian by Samizdat B92, were stored in the Kosovo customs warehouse, while distributer, Rilindja AGE, was not allowed to take over the shipment. The Kosovo media published the information on the kind of "arrest" of a book, which was promoted in Pristina and Prizren on Friday and Saturday. As reported, authorities in Kosovo confirmed that this "misunderstanding" will be resolved soon.


Trajkovic: Pristina University and SPC are crucial for the survival of Serbs in Kosovo (TV Most)

"For us, the most important thing is the firm position of government that diplomas from Pristina University will be relevant in Serbia, bearing in mind that the process of expelling the Serbs, unfortunately, is still going on," told TV Most Rada Trajkovic from the European Movement of Serbs in Kosovo.  She said that students would like to be sure that they can get a job outside of Kosovo, adding that if it comes to integration, the state of Serbia will continue to financially support the university in the same way.

Statement by the Office for KIM: We will not allow abolishment of University (KIM radio, TV Most, KoSSev)

"On the occasion of speculation and false rumours related to the University of Pristina in Kosovska Mitrovica, which were unsigned and released through certain media in Pristina, the Office for KiM announces the following:

Dacic: Without Russia Kosovo would already be UN member (TV Most)

First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, Ivica Dacic, said that without Russian Federation, Serbian political partner in recent decades, Kosovo would already be admitted to the United Nations. "If Vladimir Putin would be Russian President at the time we were introduced sanctions, when Serbia was in problems and during the wars in former Yugoslavia, Serbia certainly would not have been bombed," said Dacic.

Djuric: We'll protect our entrepreneurs (TV Most)

In regards to the decision of the Kosovo Customs to return trucks with Serbian goods, Director of the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo Marko Djuric said that Serbia does not believe in solving problems through conflict and through creating tension. "This, what is happening with blocking the trade, is a classic example of interfering the freedom of movement and freedom of trade. This will not bring anything good either to Albanians or Serbs. On the other hand, this is a clear violation of both, domestic and international law.

Dacic thanked the students for the"No Kosovo to UNESCO" campaign (TV Most)

Serbian First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic met with representatives of students from Belgrade and Pristina faculties today, who last year, during the Kosovo initiative for membership in UNESCO, organized the "No Kosovo in UNESCO" campaign. Dacic thanked the students for their extensive contributions for Serbia’s victory in UNESCO.

Jevtic with Stock on further cooperation (TV Most)

Minister of Communities and Returns in Kosovo government Dalibor Jevtic met with Head of the Cooperation section of the EU Office in Kosovo Christof Stock. At the meeting which was held in the Ministry, the topics of further cooperation in operational terms with special emphasis on projects "PRK 4" and "CSP" were discussed, which the Ministry successfully implemented in cooperation with the European Union.

OSCE: Consultations on conducting elections in Kosovo (TV Most)

Spokesman of the OSCE mission in Pristina Senad Šabović said that the consultation on the implementation of Serbian parliamentary elections in Kosovo is on-going. Šabović confirmed that the competent authorities of Serbia sent a request to the OSCE with regards to the elections which should be held on 24 April, stating that he cannot confirm how they will be implemented. There is however, the experience from 2012 and 2014, he said.