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Drecun: We expect that Thaci will not be an obstacle to the establishment of the A/CSM (TV Most)

"We expect that Thaci will not be an obstacle and that he does not obstruct the formation of the Association / Community of Serb Municipalities (A/CSM). We expect that he, as a president, will constructively contribute to the stabilization in Kosovo, and in particular to improving the status of the Serbian people," said Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun to the reporters in the Serbian parliament.

"EU trying to force Serbia to give up on Kosovo" (B92, KIM radio, TV Most)

Russian Ambassador to the UN, Vitaly Churkin said that there has been no specific progress after the Belgrade-Pristina agreement on normalization of relations.

He also said that a majority in the EU was trying to force Belgrade to abandon its position on the Kosovo issue, "step by step, in negotiations for EU membership."

Ambassadors stressed the need for the implementation of the Brussels agreement (TV Most)

At the meeting dedicated to the work of UNMIK and the situation in Kosovo, ambassadors of the UN Security Council member states pointed out the importance of the implementation of the Brussels agreement, and called on both sides to implement the agreement. They expressed concern over the violence in the Kosovo Assembly and in the streets and welcomed progress towards the establishment of the Special Court for the crimes of the former KLA.

"UNMIK for the improvement of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina" (KIM radio)

Together with the EU and other partners, UNMIK is committed to improving dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina on all levels, from the central government to civil society, said the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General and head of UNMIK Zahir Tanin.

At the regular meeting of the UN Security Council in New York on Kosovo, Zahir Tanin said that the cooperation between the Serbian Orthodox Church and the Kosovo authorities has declined over the last year.

North Mitrovica municipal assembly adopted budget for 2016 (TV Most)

After receiving guarantees from Pristina, according to which the Ministry of Finance will compensate for deficit caused by municipality work throughout the year, the Councillors have supported a budget that is 1,653,790 euros less than last year.

Although, the Mayor of Mitrovica North, Goran Rakic has his doubts about the promises made by Pristina, he says embassies in Pristina have the same document, and that they are guarantors of this letter.

Mayor of Leposavic/Leposaviq: Kosovo police harassed me for two hours (TV Most, Politika)

Mayor of Leposavic/Leposaviq Dragan Jablanovic was harassed for two hours by a member of the Kosovo police at the Končulj crossing line, when he was crossing from Kosovo to Serbia.

It happened, Jablanovic says, on his way to an official trip to Belgrade from Pristina. A police lieutenant refused to accept the travel order "because it was without a seal."

Vučić: Building of the Niš-Priština highway should begin as soon as possible (TV Most)

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic said today that the building of the Niš-Priština highway should start as soon as possible, calling it "the highway of peace", since it will connect Serbs and Albanians. "It will be a highway of peace and I believe it will be the best link between Belgrade and Pristina. We invite the EBRD to help us," Vucic said in his address to the summit of the European Investment Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), which is held in London.


Another protest in Presevo because of textbooks from Kosovo (TV Most)

Albanian primary school teachers in Presevo protested again today demanding the delivery of textbooks sent by the Kosovo Ministry of Education. They organized a peaceful "I love books in Albanian" protest in front of the customs terminal in Presevo. Pupils, the mayors of Presevo and Bujanovac, Ragmi Mustafa and Nagip Arifi, as well the President of the National Council of Albanians Jonuz Musliu, showed their support.