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Jevtić: In Kosovo returned 101 IDPs for five months (Blic)

Minister for Communities and Returns in the Kosovo government Dalibor Jevtić said that in the first five months of this year, 101 IDPs returned to Kosovo and that it is planned to build about 130 houses for the returnees, during this year. Jevtić said that the number of returnees is higher than in the same period last year, pointing out that currently are building 15 houses for Serb returnees.


Jevtić: We want "Sunny Valley" also south of the Ibar River (Kontakt Plus Radio)

Kosovo Minister for Communities and Return, Dalibor Jevtić, said that project “Sunny Valley” gives positive response to a many questions raised by the displaced persons, such as where they will live, where they will receive medical care, how their children will be educated, and whether they will find a job.  "The Ministry of Communities and Returns is very much interested to implement such project in the municipalities south of the Ibar River.

Serb home set on fire in Kosovo village (KIM radio, TV Most, Tanjug)

A house for returnees, which was under construction in the village of Tomance, Kosovo's Istok/Istog municipality, was set on fire last night, reports the Kosovo Ministry for Returns and Communities.

The house is being built for a Serb returnee and his family as part of an EU-funded project of the ministry.

Jevtic: 704 persons returned (TV Most)

Minister for Communities and Returns in the Kosovo government Dalibor Jevtic said that in Kosovo in 2015 returned 704 displaced persons, out of which 340 persons of Serbian nationality. He said that in 2016 the Ministry of Communities and Returns will have a budget of EUR 6.4 million and that about 20,000 displaced persons have expressed a desire to return to Kosovo. In an interview with TV "Herc" from Strpce, Jevtic said that in the course of this year were registered 79 incidents including ten attacks on facilities of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

Delawie and Jevtic discussed the situation, return and minority rights (KiM radio)

Minister Dalibor Jevtic and US Ambassador to Pristina Greg Delawie yesterday held a meeting.  "The topics of the meeting were political situation, returns and rights of non-majority nations in Kosovo, with special emphasis on the security situation. Minister evaluated security situation as alarming, after the recent incidents that happened in Gorazdevac and Srbobran," reads the statement of the Kosovo Ministry for Returns.

New houses for 12 returnee families (RTK2)

Minister for Communities and Returns Dalibor Jevtic visited the municipality of Srbica/Skenderaj and Istok/Istog. Jevtic handed over the keys of newly built houses for 12 returnee families.

In the municipality of Srbica/Skenderaj, in the villages of Suvo Grlo and Banje, Jevtic has promised to build a new kindergarten by European standards and the implementation of priority projects in these two places.

Haziri, Jevtic and Maric discuss Serbs’ return in Gjilan/Gnjilane (Klan Kosova)

Gjilan/Gnjilane mayor, Lutfi Haziri, hosted today Kosovo’s Minister for Communities and Returns, Dalibor Jevtic and the Minister for Administration of Local Government, Ljubomir Maric, to discuss important matters for Gjilan/Gnjilane population. “We discussed today the plans and possibilities for the 2016 budget and for development on community interests in Gjilan/Gnjilane, villages such as Shillova, Cernica and Kmetoci as well as the urban part surrounding the ‘Saint Nikola” church, schools etc.