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Djuric, Selakovic visit Mitrovica North (KoSSev, media)

Director of Office for Kosovo Marko Djuric said yesterday during the meeting in Mitrovica North that Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija regardless of what is happening in the future, would be safer and would have greater support from the Serbian state, media reported.

Djuric added he is proud of the unity of Serbian List and Serbian people, stressing that in difficult and uncertain times, the unity of Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija was reached. He pointed out “it will not be allowed that the north of KiM is not in Serbia,” and that “we will remain persistent and united”.

Jeremic, Brnabic discussion on Twitter (B92)

Leader of People’s Party (NS) Vuk Jeremic commented on Twitter, the statement Prime Minister Ana Brnabic made yesterday that Serbian Government does not have an official stand on Kosovo at this moment, B92 reported.

“A creature, who by set of extraordinary, unfortunate circumstances found herself at the helm of the Serbian Government, dared to say in relation to Kosovo “that we have no official stand on it now.” She recently told German media that “Kosovo used to be Serbia.” Shameless vermin,” Jeremic wrote on his Twitter profile.

Vucic: My policy is delineation with Albanians (B92, BETA, Serbian media)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Thursday he was in favor of "delineation" with the Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija.

"I am in favor - and this is my policy - of delineation with the Albanians. To have a territory which it is not known who is treating it in what way, and what belongs to whom - that it is always a source of potential conflict," Vucic told reporters in the town of Sid.

He added that he "cannot talk about what he is negotiating about with the Kosovo Albanians" - as he would in that way "reveal Serbia's cards in the negotiations."

Putin and Vucic to discuss Kosovo on 15 September (Blic, Vecernje Novosti, N1)

Serbian media reports that on 15 September President of Russia, Vladimir Putin will host Aleksandar Vucic President of Serbia to discuss a solution to Kosovo’s issue.

Before meeting Putin, in their 13th official encounter in several years, and the third since Vucic became the president, he will have another round of talks with Kosovo’s President Hashim Thaci in Brussels, within the framework of the Belgrade – Pristina dialogue facilitated by the European Union, planned for early next month.

“Moleban” in Gracanica: Those who think to divide us are badly mistaken (KIM Radio)

“Those who think that they can divide us and separate our people and bring us into a situation to leave this ancient area where our soul is elevated, where we keep the land deeds given to us by the holy Nemanjićs, we say to them that they are badly mistaken” Bishop Teodosije said during the “Moleban” service in Gracanica Monastery.

“Many powerful men before their time did not succeed in doing so,” Bishop Teodosije said in front of  believers who attended the “Moleban for Kosovo and Metohija” in the Gračanica Monastery.

“Shifting responsibility over Kosovo to citizens – result of immature politics” (Radio KIM)

Announcement of the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic that all citizens in Serbia should take over responsibility in relation to Kosovo, is a result of immature politics, analysts in Kosovo told Radio KIM.

Commenting on this announcement, political analyst Stefan Filipovic said it is easier to shift the blame for your failures to the people.

"Those who live in enclaves don't think it's part of Serbia" (TV Prva, Tanjug, B92)

Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic says he sees no readiness on Pristina's part to reach a compromise when it comes to Kosovo's status.

But Pristina has some things that "must be done," Dacic told Prva TV on Wednesday morning. According to him, "there will no better time for resolving the Kosovo issue." Dacic said that talks will be intensified in the next few months in an attempt to find a lasting solution for the status of Kosovo and Metohija.

He says there are two reasons for that.

Fatherland Movement to Serbian President: Two “Storms” during your rule would be too much (KoSSev)

Fatherland Movement reacted to an open letter Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic sent to the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija last Friday, KoSSev portal reported.

In its reaction Fatherland Movement underlined “it is nice to hear President Vucic is concerned that people in Kosovo and Metohija do not face “Storm” operation, however we had lived through “Storm” already in 1999 when more than 200.000 Serbs have left their century-long home places. Since you were in power then, it would be too much to live through two “Storms” during your rule.”

Brnabic: Dacic expresses personal stance on Kosovo, not that of government (TV N1)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, termed statements of Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic who said Pristina’s maximal requests, including recognition plus Presevo and Bujanovac are the main obstacle to resolve the Kosovo issue, as his personal stance and not the stance of the Serbian Government, TV N1 reported.

Expressing personal stances does not bother the government, Brnabic said, adding that different stances could be heard since the launch on internal dialogue on Kosovo.

Djuric: I do not expect apology, Abbot Janjic responds (Radio Kosovska Mitrovica, Decane Monastery social networks)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric commented the public posts of the Abbot of Visoki Decani Sava Janjic on social media and said that he does not expect today “a repentance and apology to our people in KiM from those who in someone else’s interest publicly accused their own state of planning an agreed crime against its people, and those who in a planned manner created fear and spread lies at a time that is politically and security-wise sensitive for our side,” Radio Kosovska Mitrovica reported.