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“A solution between Kosovo and Serbia must be a win-win situation” (Independent Balkan News Agency)

World powers must back the efforts of the president of Serbia and president of Kosovo in striking a deal. This was said by the former US ambassador to Belgrade, Cameron Munter, adding the solution that would be reached between the two sides must be a win-win situation.

Commenting on a statement made by Vucic after the latest round of talks, Munter said that great powers will support the solution that will be proposed by the presidents of both countries.

“If they agree on a solution, then someone should offer support”, Munter said.

Former USA ambassadors to Serbia on dialogue, Tramp, world powers (Tanjug, B92)

Serbia has good contacts with Washington administration and the State Department, former US Ambassador to Serbia Cameron Munter assessed.

Munter added if Serbia wishes better contact with the US President Donald Trump it should focus on the State Secretary Mike Pompeo and Trump’s foreign policy advisory John Balton.

In a statement to Tanjug news agency, Munter said Trump differs very much from his predecessors, his style is different, and he is more focused on “domestic issues rather than on classical foreign policy.”

Could Ex-President Nikolic be Serbia’s Comeback Kid? (Balkan Insight)

By: Milan Simurdic

If Serbia’s path towards the EU hits a blockage and the country shifts toward Russia and China, former president Tomislav Nikolic could conceivably stage a political resurrection.

One year after he left the presidential office, Serbia’s former head of state, Tomislav Nikolic, is far from the public horizon.

Lazarevic: Lack of normalization on ground, dialogue simulation in Brussels (KoSSev, TV N1)

A dialogue simulation is taking place in Brussels and all participants are aware of this. The Brussels dialogue has hit a dead end. On one hand, there is a virtual image of media-political reality, while on the other it is contrasted to the reality in the field.

The disassembly of the virtual image, of the normalization of the relationship is at work, KoSSev editor Tatjana Lazarevic, assessed during the Day Live (Dan Uživo) political talk-show on TV N1.

Shadow of Kosovo hangs over Switzerland’s crunch tie with Serbia (The Guardian)

When a footballer’s boots are among the pre-match talking points it should normally be a sign that subplots are scarce: the opposite will be true when Xherdan Shaqiri walks out in Kaliningrad. The Switzerland forward will be sporting footwear that, on his right heel, displays the stitched flag of Kosovo.

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Liberia to RTS on revoking recognition of Kosovo (RTS)

Liberia has revoked recognition of Kosovo, in order to find a solution in a peace process, supported by the EU, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Liberia Gbehzohngar Milton Findley told RTS. FM Findley added his country would support a solution reached in Belgrade-Pristina negotiations.

The FM Findley, speaking for RTS news edition also touched upon the reasons why Liberia has decided to revoke recognitions of Kosovo.

He added the Liberian Government is interested in peace process, in which the EU takes the initiative.

Opposition demands resignation and accountability of Prime Minister Brnabic (Danas)

Based on Constitution of Serbia and its laws, the statement Ana Brnabic made to German daily “Velt” that Kosovo was Serbia and if Serbia would continue insisting Kosovo belongs to it a compromise would have not been possible, equals to an act of a high-treason, in particular if it is a Prime Minister of a country making such a statement, opposition Dveri Movement MP Branislav Mihajlovic said, Danas daily reported.

Frozen conflict "no solution for Kosovo" (B92)

Prime Minister Ana Brnabic stated on Wednesday that a long-term solution to the normalisation of relations with Pristina is in the interest of Serbia.

This is also true of all Serbs and non-Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija, rather than a frozen conflict, the government cited her as saying.

Answering to questions of reporters in Smederevo, Brnabic said that normalization would mean a long-term stability and safety of inhabitants of the province, but also the stability of the region.

DSS: Statement of Ana Brnabic on Kosovo scandalous and shameful (BETA)

Leader of Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) Milos Jovanovic termed the statement of Serbian PM “that Kosovo was Serbia” as scandalous, shameful and utterly unacceptable, BETA news agency reported.

“Miss Brnabic by this statement only confirmed she is unworthy of the function she happens to have, but also that the Government she heads is getting ready to capitulate, and not to find a compromise,” Jovanovic said in a written statement.