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Greece won't recognize Kosovo, Athens office not diplomatic (B92)

Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias said in Belgrade on Wednesday that his country will not recognize Kosovo.

Kotzias explained that the trade office of Kosovo in Athnes will not be a diplomatic office.

"That's neither been agreed, nor envisaged," he told a joint news conference with Serbian counterpart Ivica Dacic.

Maliqi: West does not support ZSO to be “state within a state” (Danas)

Agreement on Association/Community of Serb-majority Municipalities did not stipulate creation of a third level of executive power, respectively Serb autonomy, which would create situation in Kosovo similar to that in Bosnia, Pristina-based analyst Shkelzen Maliqi told Danas daily.

According to him, Supreme Court critically analyzed earlier prepared ZSO concept to prevent turning of ZSO into an ethnically based “state within a state,” adding that the EU and USA do not support such ambitions of official Belgrade and Kosovo Serbs.

Tomic: European institutions to condemn incidents in Kosovo (Tanjug, Blic)

Head of Serbian Permanent Delegation to the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly, Aleksandra Tomic logged today a protest due to the absence of any reactions from the Parliamentary Assembly and other Council of Europe bodies over recent events and incidents that took place in Kosovo and Metohija, the Serbian National Assembly said today.

Tomic addressed letters to the highest officials of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly and instances dealing with Kosovo and Metohija.

Patriarch Irinej: Church stance on Kosovo and Metohija as clear as day, sunlight (Serbian media)

Stance of the Church on Kosovo and Metohija is clear, as clear as a day, as a sunlight, since the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) started its history there, where Pec Patriarchate used to be and remains the seat of the Serb Patriarchs and the Serbian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Irinej said, Serbian media reported.

In an Easter interview to TV Hram, Patriarch Irinej reminded that many churches were destroyed, many people expelled and many properties demolished.

“After full independence of Kosovo, new geopolitical issue to follow” (Danas)

Opponents of Kosovo independence think that even in a case of reaching a legally binding agreement between Belgrade and Pristina on full recognition of Kosovo, very soon a new geopolitical problem would arise, Danas daily reports today.

Associate of Institute for International Policy and Commerce, Dusan Prorokovic thinks that Serbia under no conditions must allow accession of Kosovo to the UN, as it would jeopardize its geopolitical position and open numerous issues.

Brnabic: Kosovo cannot stop Serbia’s road to EU (Novi Magazin, N1)

Serbian Prime Minister, Ana Brnabic said in an interview to Novi Magazin that Kosovo issue cannot stop Serbia’s road to the EU, as according to her European integration is one story, and resolving relations with Pristina is something else.

“European Commission, respectively EU, do not recognize Kosovo independence, they are status neutral and have to be so, since five important EU member states do not and will not recognize self-declared Kosovo independence,” Brnabic said.

Serwer: USA expects Kosovo recognition, Germany full normalization and Russia destabilization (Blic)

Washington supports independent and sovereign Kosovo within existing borders, and EU mediation in resolving the issues. However, in order to strengthen Kosovo sovereignty, USA wants Kosovo to join the UN, and when conditions are met an EU as well.

This is according to American expert for the Balkans, Daniel Serwer. He further told Blic daily Washington wants full normalization of Belgrade-Pristina relations, which implies mutual recognitions and the exchange of ambassadors.

“Catherine Ashton would withdraw signature from Brussels agreement” (RTS, Tanjug, B92)

Serbia should not leave the Brussels agreement, however, it should insist to know the time-frame of its implementation, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said in a show “Upitnik” aired on RTS.

“Pubic must understand that a dialogue on technical matters is currently being held, while a dialogue on permanent solution has not even started, since Pristina does not want such talks,” Dacic said.