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Kosovo and Interpol: Blockade of Pristina with the support of Russia (Vecernje Novosti)

Today's edition of the Vecernje Novosti daily reports that Serbia has already begun diplomatic activities before the General Assembly of Interpol, which will be held in November in the United Arab Emirates. The activities are aimed at preventing Kosovo's admission to that organization, and as the daily reports, Moscow is the main partner of Belgrade. Moscow will lobby in Lyon, at the headquarters of this organization, for Kosovo not to be found on the final agenda of the Assembly, to be determined in autumn.

Office for Kosovo rebuttal of NATO claims on Djuric’s visit (RTS)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija reacted on information published by some media outlets they were told in NATO Headquarters in Brussels that Marko Djuric violated procedures on 26 March when he entered the north of Kosovo and was arrested, RTS reports today.

“If this is the authentic NATO stance, then it represents ill-intended disinformation, aligning by Pristina, and against regional stability,” Office statement reads.

Jeremic: Serbia does not have to choose between Kosovo and EU (Serbian media)

Leader of People’s Party Vuk Jeremic said Serbia does not have to choose between Kosovo and EU, as Serbia’s membership to the EU is not feasible in near future, Serbian media reported

Jeremic made these remarks for the Chinese state TV CGTN adding “it is difficult to imagine that Serbia would be admitted to the EU with unresolved Kosovo issue, as it is also difficult to imagine Serbia would enter the EU at all, even if it resolves the Kosovo issue.”

Vucic: Mrs. Merkel wants things kept under control (B92)

A permanent Kosovo solution requires agreement from Germany, France, the EU, the US, Turkey, and Russia, President Aleksandar Vucic said in Berlin on Friday.

"We are ready for a compromise, I told that to Mrs. Merkel, but for that, two sides are needed," Vucic said after his meeting with the German chancellor.

He added that in the past, he believed it was easier for Serbs and Albanians to talk to alone.

Merkel ahead of meeting with Vucic: We are here to help (Tanjug, B92)

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Friday addressed reporters before their meeting in Berlin.

Merkel, who spoke first, stressed the importance of the talks conducted in Brussels between Serbia and Kosovo, adding that close cooperation and discussion was important in the process of EU integration.

According to her, Serbia has undertaken encouraging reforms. Merkel commended the Serbian prime minister for this.

"Neither Merkel nor the EU can assume political responsibility of Belgrade and Pristina" (Blic)

European Parliament deputy from the German Social democratic Party, Josip Juratovic, assesses for Belgrade based news agency Tanjug, before the meeting of Aleksandar Vucic and Angela Merkel, that talks are a good sign of reaching a solution, but believes that neither the EU nor Merkel can take over the political responsibility given to legitimate elected political leaders in Belgrade and Pristina, reports daily Blic.

French FM: We intervened because of Djuric's arrest (B29)

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian arrived in Belgrade on Thursday afternoon, where he later met with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic.

After the meeting, Vucic and Le Drian addressed the media.

They said they agreed that a "frozen conflict" was not a good solution for Kosovo, and that the issue should be solved.

Scott and Stefanovic about ZSO and Brussels agreement (Tanjug, RTS)

USA Ambassador to Serbia, Kyle Scott thinks that question whether ZSO should be established in line with the Brussels agreement or Kosovo laws is contradictory, as according to him, Brussels agreement also says that what would be approved must be in line with Kosovo and Serbia’s laws, RTS reported.

USA supports steps made in the direction of establishing the ZSO, Scott said, adding he expects difficult negotiations, but thinks that recent happenings related to the ZSO are a step forward.

OSCE media freedom representative visiting Serbia (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic spoke on Wednesday with OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Harlem Desir.

According to the Serbian government, they discussed "the importance of implementing the principles and standards of freedom of the media and expression, as well as protection of journalists."

Rebic: Kosovo has no place in Interpol (Fonet, N1, Kontakt plus radio)

Director of Serbian Police, Vladimir Rebic met yesterday with Interpol President Meng Hongwei and Secretary General Jurgen Stock, and emphasized during the talks that Serbia insists on its territorial integrity and that membership of Kosovo in this organization would neither be in interest of Serbia nor Interpol, Serbian media reported.