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Who is lobbying that Russians change stance on Kosovo? (BETA)

Analyst Cvijetin Milivojevic told BETA news agency Russia did not change its stance on Kosovo, although an image is being created that Moscow supports an idea on delineation.

“It absolutely has no connection with the official Russian politics, that remains unchanged and Russia does not support independence of Kosovo,” Milivojevic noted.

Brnabic: Pristina discriminates everything that is Serbian (RTS, Tanjug, KIM Radio)

Serbian Prime Minster Ana Brnabic said in Vienna that Pristina with additional taxes on goods from Serbia, discriminates everything that is Serbian, KIM Radio reports today.

Speaking at a press conference, following the working breakfast of the EU chair, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurtz with prime ministers from the Western Balkans, Brnabic noted that Serbia is focused on the future, but unfortunately the region is going backwards.

Stefanovic: Membership of Kosovo in Interpol would be precedent (RTS)

Serbian Minister of Internal Affairs, Nebojsa Stefanovic told RTS there are legal, police and political arguments pointing that the membership of so-called Kosovo in Interpol would constitute a precedent.

Stefanovic made these remarks, speaking for the RTS Saturday news edition, adding that for a year now, Serbia is intensively stressing to all the states in the world how much it would be detrimental to allow Kosovo to become Interpol member.

Five countries sided with Serbia (KIM radio, Tanjug)

Five Interpol members have sided with Serbia and demanded the vote on Kosovo's membership be removed from the agenda of the General Assembly, reports KIM radio, quoting Belgrade based agency Tanjug.

These are China, Spain, Cyprus, Argentina and Suriname, Tanjug learns.

The vote on the Pristina's request for membership in Interpol, according to the program, should be held tomorrow. Serbia and these five countries have asked Kosovo to be removed from the agenda.

Concern over increasingly complex situation in Kosovo (Serbian Government, B92)

Prime Minister Ana Brnabic met on 16 November with the Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Sem Fabrizi and ambassadors of the EU, B92 reports.

According to the government, during the meeting Brnabic expressed her concern over the increasingly complex situation in Kosovo and Metohija, bearing in mind that the interim institutions in Pristina do not respect dialogue and the agreements reached.

"If Macron wanted to insult us he wouldn't come to Belgrade" (B92, TV Prva)

If French President Emmanuel Macron meant to intentionally insult Serbia, he would not come to visit Belgrade, says Nikola Selakovic.

Selakovic was referring to the seating arrangement scandal in Paris last Sunday, during the marking of the 100 years since the end of WW1.

Kosovo flag saga continues: Spain allows, but India bans (B92)

After Spain "changed its mind" and allowed athletes from Kosovo to compete on its soil using their symbols, India has announced a ban on such a practice.

Both countries do not recognize the unilateral declaration of independence made by ethnic Albanians in 2008, while Serbia considers Kosovo its province and the proclamation a violation of the country's territorial integrity and sovereignty.

“Clash between Thaci and Haradinaj is clash of two projects for Kosovo” (Danas, RTK 2)

Clash between Hashim Thaci and Ramush Haradinaj is a clash between the two projects for Kosovo, leader of the Serb European Movement in Kosovo, Rada Trajkovic told Danas daily.

Trajkovic said the first project includes delineation that would abolish the rights of Serbs deriving from the Ahtisaari’s package, while the second project would include acceptance of the Community of Serb-majority Municipalities, and the process of resolving the rights of Kosovo Serbs would begin.

Merkel wants solution for Kosovo before retirement (Danas)

German Chancellor Angela Merkel wishes that Belgrade and Pristina reach an agreement on comprehensive normalization of relations prior to “her political retirement” respectively by the end of her mandate in 2021, Danas daily reports citing diplomatic sources from Brussels.

The daily added, Chancellor Merkel would continue to advocate “with all her strength” for reaching a solution to the Kosovo issue in the months to come.

Ljajic: Lifting taxes or Kosovo to leave CEFTA (KIM Radio)

“Belgrade expects the European Commission to exercise pressure upon Pristina institutions in order to lift taxes increased by 10 percent on Serbian goods,” Serbian Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, Rasim Ljajic said, KIM Radio reports.

Alternative to it, would be that Kosovo leaves the CEFTA agreement, Ljajic added.

He stressed “it would not be Serbia’s failure, but rather the failure of the European Union, that through the Berlin Process promoted as one of the main goals establishment of a common economic zone in the Western Balkans.”