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Chepurin on Kosovo “hallways diplomacy” (RTS)

Kosovo special operation “hallways diplomacy” continues, but it in no way influences the Russian position, Ambassador Alexander Chepurin told RTS.

Commenting on Paris ceremony protocol gaffes, Chepurin noted the world would always remember the heroism of the soldiers who won the war, “and among them distinguished place belongs foremost to the Serbian, Russian and French heroes.” Ambassador Chepurin also added that “the history is stronger than ceremonies,” RTS reported.

Vucic talks about when dialogue with Pristina may continue (BETA, B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told BETA news agency "the dialogue with Kosovo" will continue when Pristina "accepts to acts in a civilized manner and in accordance with the rules."

In a statement to reporters, Vucic added that "Serbia wants dialogue and is not blackmailing anyone with the possible opening of new (EU membership) negotiating chapters."

Judah: Putin and Thaci meeting's message directed to Vucic: “Go ahead” (BETA)

British journalist Tim Judah thinks that Russia would have major benefits if the result of the Belgrade-Pristina negotiations would be recognition of Kosovo and exchange of territories, BETA news agency reports today.

“Russia could use such precedent in an attempt to achieve similar agreements for secessionist territories which are under its control in Moldova (Pridnestrovie) and Georgia (South Ossetia and Abkhazia),” Judah said.

Drecun: Serbia for compromise, there should be no rush with solution (RTS)

European Union insists that normalization of Belgrade-Pristina relations happens within a year, before the end of EU High Representative Federica Mogherini mandate, but there should be no rush with a solution, the Serbian Assembly Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Chairperson, Milovan Drecun told RTS.

Drecun added compromise is the only solution in a situation when dialogue between Belgrade and Pristian is halted, and Brussels wants an agreement as soon as possible.

ENTSO-E: Frequency deviations in Continental Europe - discussions ongoing to find a solution

The Continental European (CE) Power System – which is a large electrical area stretching from Spain to Turkey and from Poland to Netherlands; encompassing 25 countries- is experiencing a system frequency deviation from the mean value of 50 Hz, since late 2017.

The power deviations are originating from the Serbian control area. The power deviations have led to a slight decrease in the electric frequency average.

Serbia grateful to Greece for not changing stance on Kosovo (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian President and ruling SNS leader Aleksandar Vucic has met with the leader of the Greek opposition party New Democracy, Kyriakos Mitsotakis. SNS officials Jadranka Joksimovic, Marko Djuric and Vladimir Orlic were also present at the meeting in the premises of the SNS in Belgrade.

Vucic thanked Mitsotakis for his support and for the confirmation that Greece's position on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija will not change.

Greece does not recognize the unilateral proclamation of independence made by ethnic Albanians in 2008.

Dacic. Pope’s visit would be useful for Serbia (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister, Ivica Dacic said he thinks the Pope Francis visit to Serbia, would be useful, Tanjug news agency reported.

“You know my stance. I made it public several times. I think it would be useful for Serbia and Serbian people in general,” Dacic said, after ceremonial liturgy at the Church of  Holly Virgin Maria, held to commemorate Armistice Day and the end of the WWI.

Dacic also noted, that relations with the Vatican are often viewed through the problems that existed in relation with the Church in Croatia and Second World War.

Varadi: Forgotten right to truth (FoNet, Danas)

Today, one important human right is forgotten, and it is the right to truth, International Law Professor, Tibor Varadi told FoNet news agency, adding that delineation with Kosovo “would mean that Kosovo is a state, because borders are regulated among the states.”

He further said that delineation is a rather complex issue, in particular “in the context of international geopolitical interests, but also interests of some states and their officials.”

Dacic: It should be made clear to Pristina, it must not play double games (Tanjug)

Head of Serbian diplomacy, Ivica Dacic positively assessed the willingness of German Chancellor Angela Merkel to talk to the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Paris, Tanjug news agency reports.

He also termed as positive her readiness to be familiar with the course of Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. Dacic added that Kosovo and Metohija would be a topic this week as well, and that he would be present at the UN SC session on Kosovo.

“We would remain constructive. We want dialogue to continue, to peaceful resolve all the issues,” Dacic noted.