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Assembly speaker "ready to leave" if Kosovo representative shows up (BETA, B92)

Representatives of so-called states that Serbia does not recognize cannot participate in an inter-parliamentary conference in Belgrade, B92 reported.

Serbian National Assembly President Maja Gojkovic said this on Tuesday, responding to opposition SRS party leader and assembly member Vojislav Seselj, who said chair of the Kosovo Assembly's Committee on Foreign Affairs Vjosa Osmani-Sadriu had been invited to a gathering in Belgrade.

Speaking at the Serbian Assembly, Gojkovic said she had no such information, but would check whether Seselj's claim was true.

Putin invites Vucic to join him in Immortal Regiment march (Serbian media)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic will meet in Moscow on Tuesday with Russian President Vladimir Putin, who on Monday started his fourth term in office.

As announced by the Kremlin, Vucic is in the Russian capital on a working visit to attend the 73rd anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Kosovo Ombudsperson: The extradition of six Turkish nationals in violation of human rights and procedures (Prishtina Insight)

The ‘deportation’ of six Turkish nationals was done in violation of rights ensured by the European Convention of Human Rights and Kosovo laws, a new report by the Ombudsperson office finds.

In an interview following the publication of the Ombudsperson report on the forceful removal of six Turkish nationals on March 29, Hilmi Jashari, Kosovo Ombudsperson, explained that “from the first step to the last moment” the entire process was in violation of legal obligations proscribed in the Kosovo Constitution and the European Convention of Human Rights.

Sri Lanka thanked for supporting Serbia on Kosovo (B92)

First Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met in Colombo on Monday with Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, the Serbian Government announced.

According to a press release, Dacic and Wickremesinghe "expressed readiness to intensify bilateral political dialogue at the high and highest level, as well as to enhance cooperation in all areas."

“Apostolova does not know when bridge in Mitrovica would be open" (Kontakt plus radio)

Head of EU Office in Pristina, Nataliya Apostolova said today she cannot tell the precise date as to when the works on Ibar Bridge would be completed, since it depends on technical issues and weather conditions, Kontakt plus radio reported.

Apostolova noted that the Ibar Bridge is one of the Brussels agreements, and according to her, it is one of the most visible and most spectacular project within the dialogue implementation.

She thanked the mayor of Mitrovica North, Goran Rakic and municipal administration over their constructive approach.

Usurped properties in KiM, Sisyphus’s work for legal teams (RTS)

Serbian national broadcaster RTS continues its serial on usurped properties in Kosovo, this time focusing on Mitrovica, featuring some of the cases.

Usurpation of Serb properties in Kosovo and Metohija is ongoing for two decades. There are thousands of court cases opened, while lawyers from Free Legal Aid advise their clients to check every six months in cadastral records, if their properties are still under their names, RTS reports.

Mitrovica is divided town, separated by the Ibar River. Serbs from the southern part were expelled and their properties usurped.

“NATO does not decide on Kosovo Security Forces” (Tanjug, RTS, Radio Free Europe)

NATO supports development of the Kosovo Security Forces within the mandate they were established upon, and if it changes the North Atlantic Treaty Organization would reconsider the level of its engagement in Kosovo, NATO said, Serbian media reported.

“NATO does not decide on the structure, mandate and mission of the Kosovo Security Forces. This is an internal matter of the Kosovo institutions,” reads the NATO response sent to Radio Free Europe.

Vucic: Kosovo solution will spell my "end in politics" (B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic says he is not ready to hand over Kosovo "for nothing".

Vucic said that he "knows that whatever the solution may be, this will be his end in politics, because Serbs will never forgive him for their better future."

"Serbs are such. Serbs will never forgive me their better future and peace. So in Serbia, only defeats and wars are celebrated," Vucic said in wide-ranging interview for the Belgrade-based tabloid Kurir.