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Meeting dialogue held on Belgrade-Pristina in US – reports (Tanjug, B92)

Representatives of the US, the UK, France, Italy and Germany are in Washington for talks on the the final stage of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.

Pristina-based Albanian language daily Gazeta Express said it has learned this.

A source told the newspaper that representatives of the five most powerful Western countries have gathered in Washington to hold consultations on the talks between Belgrade and Pristina.

Serbia wants Russia’s help in international organizations (N1)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Wednesday that he asked his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin for help in solving the Kosovo problem in international organizations.

“No solution can be found in the United Nations without Russia’s approval and in that sense Russia will very actively monitor our talks and everything that could happen and will react on time,” he told reporters in Moscow, adding Moscow will not be directly involved in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue under European Union auspices.

PM Brnabic on Kosovo karate team: They could participate under European Karate Federation flag (Blic)

“Serbia does not violate Brussels agreement but honors it, therefore Kosovo Karate Federation leadership and sportsmen were banned to enter Serbia in order to participate at European Championship, held from 10 to 13 May in Novi Sad,” Serbian PM Ana Brnabic told Serbian media.

She added “violation” of the Brussels agreement would happen if Serbia allowed entry to the sportsmen from Kosovo who did not notify Serbia on their intent to visit it, 48 hours in advance, “which is the simplest thing (to do),” but used it instead for a new political provocation.

Blic: ''The Serbian Orthodox Church spring session to end with an appeal for Kosovo and Metohija'' (Kontakt plus radio)

The spring session of the Serbian Orthodox Church will be completed by ''an appeal for Kosovo and Metohija'', writes today's daily Blic, adding that the original text of the appeal was somewhat changed during the session, so that, apart from international actors, now it appeals domestic politicians to never give consent to the alienation of Kosovo.

Kosovo, EU Mull New Rule-of-Law Mission (Balkan Insight)

As the EU Rule-of-Law Mission in Kosovo, EULEX, enters the final month of its mandate, the Pristina authorities said they will allow another mission, but with a scaled-down monitoring and advisory role.

As EULEX’s ten-year mandate comes to an end in mid-June, Kosovo’s Ministry of Justice told BIRN that instead of shutting down completely, the Pristina authorities want the EU rule-of-law mission to change its mandate and designation and stay on.

Columnist Zoran Pavic: Vokrri (Danas)

By Zoran Pavic

No, it is not true that the president of the Football Federation of Kosovo banned a football game of humanitarian character in Gracanica between the same club and the Red Star from Belgrade, although he had given himself an important role in the past days.

First of all because it sounds more than crazy that any soccer functionary forbids an assembly, either in the Balkans or even in Kosovo. Especially because of the arguments he has for the ban.

Analysts on Vucic’s visit to Moscow (TV N1)

Foreign policy commentator Bosko Jaksic and Chair of the Centre for Strategic Alternatives Aleksandar Mitic told TV N1 that Russia is in favour of maintaining “status quo” in Kosovo.

Both interlocutors agreed Kosovo would be a dominant topic in Vucic-Putin meeting in Moscow, but they disagreed when it comes to Serbia’s position related to Kosovo, TV N1 reported.

Ilic: To call referendum on Kosovo, citizens to decide (FoNet, Danas)

Leader of New Serbia (NS) Party Velimir Ilic told FoNet news agency there is not room to manipulate with the issue of Kosovo status and it is necessary to call referendum where citizens would decide whether or not Serbia would recognize Kosovo.

No government has the right to make such decision and give away part of the Serbian territory on behalf of the people, by recognizing Kosovo on behalf of the Serbian citizens, Ilic further said.

Serbian MUP banned entry of Kosovo karate representation (Danas, RTK2)

Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs early this morning did not permit karate representation from Kosovo to enter central Serbia at Merdare crossing point and continue towards Novi Sad where European championship is being held, Danas daily reported.  

According to RTK 2 journalist reporting from the Merdare crossing point, leadership of the Kosovo Karate Federation was informed decision to ban their entry was made this morning. Kosovo representation returned to Pristina, while Olympic Committee and Kosovo Government would decide on further steps.

Dacic: India, Nepal and Sri Lanka will not change its stance on Kosovo (B92, Beta)

The most important message after visiting India, Nepal and Sri Lanka is that Serbia has three firm votes in favor of its territorial integrity and sovereignty.

This was stated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Ivica Dacic, at the end of his tour of the three countries.