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Patriarch backs SPC name change - but won't move to Kosovo (Serbian media)

Patriarch Irinej says he supports the idea to add "Patriarchate of Pec" to the official name of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC).

However, he said he would not move to Kosovo, i.e., to the town of Pec.

The media reported at the beginning of the week that the Serbian Orthodox Church is preparing major changes in May to the way its leader is elected, and to its internal organization and name.

Kosovo-Serbia Feud Accused of Damaging Europe's Clocks (Balkan Insight)

The European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity, ENTSOE, says the energy dispute between Serbia and Kosovo has affected the continent's digital clocks.

Disputes between Serbia and its former province over energy and a lot of other issues have been accused of damaging many things in the Balkan region.

Now, however, the two neighbours have been accused of disturbing Europe's digital clock system.

Roundtables within internal dialogue for first time in Kosovo, Selakovic and Kozarev to participate (KoSSev)

For the first time, roundtables within internal dialogue on Kosovo would be held today and tomorrow in Kosovo, Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija confirmed to KoSSev portal.

Unlike those organized in Belgrade, participation of the Office for Kosovo Director, Marko Djuric is not confirmed, KoSSev portal further reported, adding Deputy Director, Dusan Kozarev and Secretary General of the Serbian President, Nikola Selakovic would be present.

"Nothing has changed - Slovakia won't recognize Kosovo" (Tanjug, B92)

The issue of Kosovo is "difficult for Serbia" - and one of the conditions put before Serbia, says Slovakia's foreign minister.

This is the case "because the EU does not want to be put in the position of a judge," Ivan Korcok told students at University of Belgrade's Faculty of Political Sciences.

The Slovak official reiterated that his country will remain consistent, and will not recognize Kosovo.

Slovak FM thinks Belgrade and Pristina "can find solution" (B92)

Serbia "cannot trade with the issue of Kosovo and Metohija," First Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Monday.

According to the Serbian government, Dacic made the remark after his meeting in Belgrade with Slovakia's acting Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Ivan Korcok.

Four persons from Kosovo detained by the police in Central Serbia on suspicion of committing a robbery (Kontakt plus radio)

Four Albanians from Podujevo were detained for 30 days on suspicion of committing a robbery in the territory of the municipality of Kursumlija, the Police in Prokuplje announced, reports Serbian media in Kosovo.

Serbian Orthodox Church to change its name – report (Vecernje Novosti, B92)

The new official name of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) will be the Serbian Orthodox Church - the Patriarchate of Pec, Belgrade-based Vecernje Novosti daily reports.

According to the article, the procedure for the election of the patriarch will be simplified, and the head of the Church will be elected in a secret ballot, requiring a two-thirds majority of the votes of bishops.

These are the most important changed envisaged in the proposal of the new Constitution of the Serbian Orthodox Church, writes the newspaper.

Kosovo’s Political Murders: Unpunished but Not Forgotten (Balkan Insight)

The Pristina authorities and international missions failed to jail the perpetrators of a series of political assassinations and gun attacks after the Kosovo war ended - but survivors hope a new Hague-based court can succeed.

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