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Serbian President Vucic doesn't think Pristina will form ZSO (B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said he had "a good, open, content-rich and important conversation" with a visiting US State department official.

According to Vucic, the conversation with Wess Mitchell was important for relations between Serbia and the United States, and they talked about several topics, but above all about Kosovo and Metohija.

“Independent Kosovo as state of two peoples” (Danas)

Nenad Vasic, associate of the Institute for International Politics claims that his proposal for Kosovo has support of official Belgrade, Danas daily reports today.

According to Vasic the only just, compromised and sustainable solution to the Kosovo issue would be creation of a community of the two equal peoples in the political and constitutional-legal aspect. If this idea would come to life, Kosovo would in 2025, along with Serbia become a fully-fledged member of the EU.

“Belgrade rejects Thaci’s army” (Vecernje Novosti)

USA official Wess Mitchell arrived to Belgrade echoed with a threatening message that no one should dare to object the establishment of the so-called Kosovo army, daily Vecernje Novosti reports today.

However, according to the daily, Serbs from Kosovo would not accept the establishment of the army and direct violation of the UN SC Resolution 1244, despite USA being supportive of that scenario.

Drecun: There is no need for the region to be on the line of fire between the US and Russia (RTS)

Chairman of the Committee for KiM Milovan Drecun told RTS that senior US official Wess Mitchell has come to send a message that the Kosovo issue will be treated in the context of their geopolitical confrontation with Russia and that they will continue to have a one-sided approach to the Kosovo problem.

Milovan Drecun says that it is clear that there is no "American package for Kosovo" about which the media speculates.

Igballe Rogova: ‘Enough talk, enough violence, we want action’ (Prishtina Insight)

The Kosova Women’s Network published a report that analyzes institutional response to gender-based violence in Kosovo.

Kosovo Police need advanced trainings for police and prosecutors to handle domestic violence cases, argues a new report by the Kosovo Women’s Network, KWN, published on Monday.

The report, titled “From Words to Action?” examines the handling of gender-based violence cases by local institutions.

Dusan Janjic: Relations between Serbia and Kosovo according to the model of the two Germanys (NMagazin, RTK2)

Serbia and Kosovo will most likely regulate relations by the model of the two Germanys, says Director of the Forum for Ethnic Relations Dusan Janjic. Janjic told RTK 2 that Serbia must sign a legally binding agreement in the EU integration process, but that it does not have to recognize Kosovo.

He said that the internal dialogue with the revival of the story of demarcation has made it difficult for Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to find a solution to normalize relations.

"UN chair for Kosovo lurks behind US package" (B92, Vecernje Novosti, Blic)

The US "package" for Kosovo will put Serbia and President Aleksandar Vucic in "a very delicate position."

That's according to Belgrade daily Vecernje Novosti, which adds that "the package" could be presented to Serbian officials on Wednesday, when US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Wess Mitchell will visit Pristina, and then Belgrade.

Vulin: If Pristina does not form a ZSO, overthrow the government (Blic)

If Pristina is not able to apply the agreement on the establishment of the Community/Association of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), then the Serbian List should withdraw the support to the government and to overthrow it, says Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin, reports Belgrade based daily Blic.

Dacic: Albanians and some in intl. community are lying to Vucic (B92, RTS)

Ivica Dacic says he, bearing in mind his experience, believes that a part of the international community and Albanians from Kosovo are lying to President Vucic, reports B92 portal, quoting Radio Television of Serbia (RTS).

The First Deputy PM and Foreign Minister told RTS that the Albanians do not want compromise, but only recognition (of Kosovo). "There is no blackmail that can force Serbia to recognize an independent Kosovo," he said.