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KLA crimes court prosecutor "made to leave due to US" (The Guardian, Serbian media)

Serbian media widely re-run The Guardian article saying that David Schwendiman, chief prosecutor of a war crimes court for Kosovo, said he was "made to leave the job at a critical stage of the tribunal’s work."

Schwendiman also added he has "no designated successor - largely due to inertia in the US State Department," the article continued.

Montenegrins soon part of KFOR (BETA, Voice of America, KIM Radio)

Montenegrin Defense Minister Predrag Boskovic said Montenegro for the first time would send two army officers to KFOR Mission in Kosovo, Serbian media reported.

Boskovic who is in an official visit to the USA, said that Montenegrin army officers should join KFOR by the end of the year.

According to him, Montenegro as a NATO member, would send one officer to the KFOR HQ in Pristina, and the other one to the Liaison Office in Skopje.

President Vucic speaks about Kosovo using the metaphor of chess (Serbian media)

Aleksandar Vucic has compared the situation around Kosovo with the game of chess.

The Serbian president spoke for RTS about his meeting on Tuesday with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, with whom he spoke about Kosovo. As he said, the opinions of Germany and Serbia about a compromise that should be reached by Serbia and Kosovo are very different, report Serbian media.

Raskovic-Ivic: Gouillon instead of Djuric (BETA, B92)

Deputy President of Peoples’ Party, Sanda Raskovic Ivic requested yesterday that the state urgently distance itself from the crime that replaced Serbian institutions in Kosovo, Serbian media reported.

According to the Serbian media, Raskovic-Ivic also requested that the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo Director Marko Djuric submits resignation and to be replaced with a French humanitarian Arnaud Gouillon, as well as to establish an Assembly Committee that would deal with the circumstances of a murder of Oliver Ivanovic.

Dacic responds to Pacolli: Yes, we're offering a-bombs (BETA, B92)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic says Pristina officials must get used to the fact there are countries that think recognizing Kosovo is wrong, Serbian media reported.

He called on the authorities in Pristina, but also on all regional countries, to show restraint when it comes to those issues on which they disagree with Belgrade.

DW about Merkel-Vucic meeting: The same messages, the tone different maybe (N1, DW)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic is holding a regular pace of meetings with Europe's most powerful politician Angela Merkel, and although at first glance it seems that the German chancellor will not have much to say, today's meeting could be more interesting, especially behind closed doors, assesses Deutsche Welle (DW).

Vucic tells Merkel he wants "both sides to lose something" (B92, Serbian media)

Aleksandar Vucic said on Tuesday after his meeting with Angela Merkel that he had "understood all messages" and would work to solve the Kosovo problem.

Speaking in Berlin, Vucic said that a "difficult" road to the EU lies ahead of Serbia, that much has to be done when it comes to (accession negotiations) chapters dealing with the rule of law, but also when it comes to relations with Pristina.

Serbia Thanks Russia For Support Over Kosovo (Balkan Insight)

Serbian leaders heaped praise on Russia during Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov's visit to Belgrade – while Lavrov in turn said Russia would not relent in its opposition to Kosovo's independence.

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov on Thursday accused the EU and NATO of creating an “unhealthy situation” in Europe, while his Serbian hosts thanked Russia for its support and repeated that Serbia will not introduce Western-style sanctions.

Milos Jovanovic: After elections, Constitution and Kosovo (Danas)

Leader of Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) Milos Jovanovic told Danas daily that immediately after the Belgrade elections, issues of the Constitution of Serbia and a struggle to preserve Kosovo within the state of Serbia would be moving on.

“Vucic said he will unveil his proposal on Kosovo at the beginning of April, therefore we expect that the issue of territorial integrity of Serbia would be moved on,” Jovanovic told Serbian media.

KFOR Commander: All are involved in solving Ivanovic case (Tanjug, RTS)

KFOR Commander Major General Salvatore Couci said that the murder of Oliver Ivanovic is under investigation, there is a full cooperation with EULEX and all are involved in resolving the case, Serbian media reported.

General Couci in an interview to RTK assessed the situation in Kosovo as calm and stable and that they work a lot with the Kosovo police responsible to keep the situation under control.