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NATO Commanders: Relations between Serbia and Russia are no danger to Kosovo (RTS, RTK2)

Cooperation between Serbia and Russia does not represent any threat to Kosovo, Deputy Supreme Allied Commander of NATO Forces for Europe, General James Everard and Commander of NATO’s Joint Force Command in Naples, U.S. Navy Admiral James Foggo said during the visit to the KFOR base in Pristina, RTS reported.

“Relations between Serbia and Russia are a matter of sovereignty of the two states and Serbia can decide with whom it wishes bilateral cooperation and what relations it wants to have,” NATO Commanders said, RTS reported.

"Makes more sense for US to revoke Kosovo recognition" (BETA, Tanjug, B92)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic says it is more logical for the US and the UK to withdraw their recognition of Kosovo - than for Russia to recognize it.

The comment, made after Dacic's meeting in Belgrade with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov, was prompted by Hashim Thaci saying that Belgrade "would be able to step out of the false mythology" if Russia recognized Kosovo.

Srpska Lista: We do not vote for demarcation, there would be similar attempts of disinformation (KoSSev portal)

Srpska Lista will not vote for demarcation with Montenegro “despite false and tendentious claims” published in all Albanian-language media and rerun by part of the Serbian media, Srpska Lista said, KoSSev portal reported.

“Something like that was not agreed with us and we will not support demarcation, as it is falsely claimed, instead we will continue to fight for the interests of Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija and not for the interests of certain domestic and foreign centers of power,” Srpska Lista further said, KoSSev portal reported.

Kosovo FM Pacolli condemns attack on U.S. embassy in Montenegro (media)

Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Behgjet Pacolli, has condemned last night’s attack on the U.S. Embassy in the capital of Montenegro, Podgorica. Pacolli expressed Kosovo’s “unwavering” support for the U.S. and offered Montenegrin authorities cooperation from Kosovo institutions, if necessary.

Albanian President against division of Kosovo (Vecernje Novosti)

Albanian President Ilir Meta is against division of Kosovo and thinks that the exchange of territories is an idea of destructive people, Belgrade based daily Vecerenje Novosti reported referring to the Albanian media.

According to Albanian media, Meta made these remarks during the talks with the European Council on Foreign Relations representatives including Carl Bildt.

Meta repeated stance he thinks Western Balkan countries should join EU as soon as possible, Vecernje Novosti reported.

“Dveri” and “It is Enough Movement” request special session of Serbian Assembly on Kosovo (KoSSev portal)

Serbian opposition parties Dveri and It is Enough Movement requested an extraordinary Assembly session dedicated to “international pressure upon state bodies of the Republic of Serbia related to negotiations and the situation in Kosovo and Metohija,” KoSSev portal reported.  

They requested the presence of the Serbian Prime Minister, Ana Branbic, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ivica Dacic, Minister of Interior, Nebojsa Stefanovic and Serbian Government Office for Kosovo Director, Marko Djuric to respond to the questions from MPs.

Internal dialogue on Kosovo: Former foreign ministers on “four don’ts” (Insajder, BETA)

Former Serbian Foreign Minister, Vladislav Jovanovic said yesterday during the roundtable held within the framework of internal dialogue on Kosovo, that forgotten document related to the renewed accession of Serbia to the UN could be crucial in solving the Kosovo issue, Insajder portal reported.

Meanwhile, his colleague Zivorad Jovanovic said Serbia should pay attention to four things that Belgrade in no way must do.

Jan Kavan: EU cannot use Kosovo as ultimatum (Vecernje Novosti)

Petition against the independence of Kosovo is a reminder of violence against the law, and one must not pressure Serbian side only, former head of Czech diplomacy and UN General Assembly Chairman, Jan Kavan told Vecernje Novosti daily.

We have decided to sign a petition on Czech withdrawal of Kosovo recognition to once more point out an unacceptable precedent of unilaterally declared independence of the part of the Serbian territory, 10 years ago, he added.

Vucic to unveil Kosovo proposal "in early April at latest" (B92, TV Happy)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic says he had "a frank conversation" with German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel.

Vucic told a talk show on Happy TV late on Monday that he and Gabriel have different opinions - but that their recent conversation in Belgrade was frank, and that he at one point told the German official, "And what can I tell the Serbs now, Sigmar."