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"Draw line between us and Greater Albania in Kosovo" (Tanjug, B92)

Greater Albania is the biggest threat to peace in the Balkans, Serbian Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin told Tanjug news agency.

According to Vulin, the idea of all Albanians living in one state and having one president is "proof of Greater Albania" - and it must be stopped.

Commenting on a statement made by Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama - that Albania and Kosovo should have "a common foreign and security policy and president" - the Serbian minister reiterated that the expansion of Greater Albania must be stopped in Kosovo and Metohija.

EU on Rama's statement: Political interference in neighbouring countries is not of a help (RTS)

On the occasion of the "idea" of Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama on the "joint president of Albania and Kosovo", the European Union states that "the statements that can be interpreted as a political interference in neighbouring countries" are counterproductive both in building good neighbourly relations and progress on the path of EU integration of the country region, reports Radio Television of Serbia (RTS).

DSS handed over “Appeal for defense of Kosovo and Metohija” to Serbian President (KoSSev)

Members of Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) and its leader Milos Jovanovic handed over to the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic “Appeal for defense of Kosovo and Metohija,” KoSSev portal reported.

According to DSS, 300 reputable people who signed the appeal, called upon the authorities “to not sign legally binding agreement with Pristina.”

“When he became the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic swore at Gospel that he will defend the Constitution of Serbia and Kosovo and Metohija as its integral part,” Milos Jovanovic told Serbian media.

"Expectations are not fulfilled, we are guilty ourselves" (Kontakt plus radio, RTV KiM)

"The Albanians gained what they wanted with Kosovo's independence, but they did not fulfil their expectations nor they have justified the assistance given to them," Nexhmedin Spahiu told Radio Television KiM (RTV KiM).

Analyst Nexhmedin Spahiu said in a statement to RTV KiM that Albanians in Kosovo by declaring independence got the state, as well as "recognition from the greater part of the world", but, as he said, they did not recognize themselves.

Popovic: To declare Rama “persona non grata” in Serbia (RTS)

Statement of the Albanian Prime Minister, Edi Rama that Albania and Kosovo would have a common foreign policy and a president is directed against the peace in the region and represents a hostile act against Serbia and its people, Minister without portfolio in the Serbian Government Nenad Popovic told RTS.

Popovic further said because of this statement Edi Rama should be declared “persona non grata” in Serbia and the country should send a harsh demarche to the Albanian ambassador in Belgrade.

“20 years have passed since first kidnappings and murders in Kosovo” (KiM Radio)

Association of Families of Missing and Kidnapped Persons from Kosovo marked in Belgrade, on Saturday 20 years since the first kidnappings and murders took place in Kosovo and Metohija, Serbian media reported.

The ceremony started at 12.44 and members of the families requested the justice for their beloved ones again, Serbian media reported.

According to the Association, 2.500 Serbs and other non-Albanians were killed in Kosovo over the last two decades, Serbian media reported.

Zivadin Jovanovic: NATO and EU confirmed sovereignty of Serbia over Kosovo (Vecernje Novosti)

UN SC Resolution 1244 is a final decision on Kosovo status and represents a synthesis of interests of all counties in the world, former head of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia diplomacy, Zivadin Jovanovic told Vecernje Novosti daily.

This solution was reached in a difficult negotiation, under NATO bombs of Serbia (respectively Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) and world power centers. The agreement was harmonized for three months and at many levels, Jovanovic, who was a participant and “logistic man” in this negotiation further said.

Sava Janjic: Division would have devastating consequences for all, Serbs would vanish from Kosovo, solution in dialogue (KoSSev portal)

Division of Kosovo would cause a domino effect across the Balkans with devastating consequences for all, Abbot of the Serbian Orthodox Church Visoki Decani Monastery, Sava Janjic said, Serbian media reported.

In such scenario everyone would lose, and benefits would be miserable. Serbs would vanish from Kosovo, and it would become a model for the creation of ethnically cleaned states, Abbot Janjic further said.

Reconciliation is a prerequisite for long-term solution and not otherwise, he added.

"If Serbs back EU's demands, that will be people's choice" (B92, Beta)

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says that Moscow is not opposed to Serbia and the region moving closer to the EU.

But the choice Brussels is putting before them - "either Russia or the West" - is a very wrong policy, Lavrov told Beta agency in an exclusive, wide-ranging interview on the eve of his visit to Serbia this week.

Dacic announces his "contribution" to Kosovo anniversary (B92, Tanjug)

Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic announced on Saturday that Burundi had revoked its recognition of Kosovo.

Dacic was in this African country on Thursday.

"These days the tenth anniversary is marked in Pristina of the unilateral proclamation of Kosovo's independence. I wish to make my contribution. I brought with me a note from Burundi's Foreign Ministry, revoking the recognition of Kosovo," Dacic told an unscheduled news conference in Belgrade.