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Vulin: Murders and attempts to abrogate court cause destabilization (RTS)

Serbian Minister of Defence, Aleksandar Vulin said that destabilization in Kosovo and Metohija is caused by murders such as the assassination of Oliver Ivanovic and attempts of Albanians to abrogate the Special Court and do not allow trials against KLA members for the war crimes against Serbs, RTS reported.

Kosovo issue on referendum, possibility with several unknown variables (RTS)

Upon his return from Kosovo, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced the possibility of a referendum where citizens could express their stances on the Kosovo issue, RTS reported on Sunday.

Referendum in Serbia is not a common occurrence, however, over the last three decades Serbian citizens took part in three referendums on different issues.

Should there be a referendum or not, it would become known after the completion of internal dialogue on Kosovo, RTS further reported.

Revealing Corruption Remains Challenge for Balkan Media (Balkan Insight)

Reporters on corruption and organised crime in the Balkans are subject to a range of different pressures and challenges – as our comparison of reporting on such cases in Bosnia, Kosovo and Serbia shows.

Organised crime and corruption are among the key challenges facing the societies of the Western Balkans, with corruption in particular being a key grievance for ordinary citizens and voters.

As in any democracy, the media play a crucial role when it comes to informing the public on these subjects and shaping public debates.

Paunovic called on the UN to determine the human rights situation in Kosovo (Tanjug, Vecernje Novosti)

Belgrade based Tanjug news agency reports that Serbia from 2013 until now requested from the eight contracting bodies of United Nations that UNMIK reports on the application of the standards of valid conventions on the territory of Kosovo.
Director of the Office for Human and Minority Rights Suzana Paunovic said yesterday and called on the UN Human Rights Council to inspect the human rights situation in that part of territory, reports the agency.

Compromise with Pristina unlikely this year – Vucic (B92, Sputnik, Beta)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic says he supports the dialogue with Pristina and is hoping for a compromise solution.

But Vucic, speaking for Sputnik in Davos, added that he did not have much hope that this would happen by the end of 2018.

"We could join EU together if Serbia recognizes Kosovo" (B92, Beta)

Edi Rama says although Serbia is ahead of Albania in the process of EU accession, the two countries could join the EU together.

Speaking in Davos, Switzerland on Wednesday, the Albanian prime minister said this could happen "under the assumption that Serbia recognizes Kosovo."

"This is a performance-based process. Serbia has advantage because it is already negotiating and we hope to start negotiations this year," Rama said.

What do we know so far about the Enlargement Strategy? (European Western Balkans)

The Enlargement Strategy, entitled “Credible Perspective of Enlargement to the Western Balkans”, will be presented on 6 February during the plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

Following of the adoption of the official text of the document by the College of Commissioners, the Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Hahn, will present a Strategy before the members of the European Parliament when it will be also publicly disclosed.

Jaksic for referendum on Kosovo, but in fair conditions (KIM radio)

Citizens of Serbia to declare on Kosovo in a referendum might be the right solution if it takes place under fair conditions, says Marko Jaksic for RTV KiM, a member of the Presidency of the Movement of Serbs from Kosovo "Fatherland".

Jaksic thinks it's time for the Serbs to say whether they prefer the EU or to preserve Kosovo in Serbia. He notes that he personally opposes any division of Kosovo.