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Dveri: It is necessary to organize referendum on Kosovo (BETA, B92)

It is necessary to organize a referendum in Serbia with a clear question, do you support that Kosovo and Metohija remain in its own state, Dveri Movement announced, Serbian media reported.

Leader of the Dveri Movement, Bosko Obradovic, while presenting the conclusions of the roundtable on the current situation in Kosovo, said he will launch an initiative to establish a working group to prepare acts and documents for the defence of Kosovo and Metohija within the state of Serbia.

Dacic: May to those that recognized Kosovo happen same (Tanjug, B92)

Chief of the Serbian diplomacy, Ivica Dacic said that Kosovo and Catalonia are linked with the fact it is about unilateral secession without a dialogue with the state they are seceding from, Serbian media reported.

Dacic, who was a guest speaker on the RTS programme “Oko” said that Catalonia does not follow the example of Yugoslavia but that one of Kosovo.

Kosovo led to Catalonia. But West won’t admit it (RT)

By: Nebojsa Malic

The same countries that cheered when Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union broke up and insisted on ‘independent Kosovo’ now say Catalonia’s declaration of independence is unacceptable. But they wrote the rules the Catalans are now following.

On Friday, the Catalan parliament declared independence from Spain. Madrid has refused to recognize the declaration. Anything can happen next, from a negotiated settlement of some kind to a civil war.

Brussels process: Ramush blackmails, key in Belgrade (Vecernje Novosti)

Belgrade based daily Vecernje Novosti in its article published over the weekend argues whether it is possible to change the intermediary in the Brussels dialogue, Pristina insistence to involve the USA in the process and that both sides need to agree on the format of the negotiations.

The USA cannot sit at the table as a direct participant in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, without the consent of Belgrade, despite the strong efforts of Pristina to “drag in” Washington as the main intermediary, Novosti further reports.

Vucic: Kosovo twice worse case than Catalonia (FoNet, Danas)

Serbian President, Aleksandar Vucic said Serbia takes the side of Spain, and that despite important differences in declarations of independence of Catalonia and Kosovo, Serbia has to face reality and look into future, FoNet news agency reported.

Vucic also said Kosovo is twice worse case than Catalonia.

Italy expels Macedonian and Albanian for Islamist ties (B92)

Italy has expelled a Macedonian and an Albanian citizen for their ties with radical Islam, the Macedonian media reported on Thursday.

According to this, they were found to have been in contact with Muslim radicals arrested in Kosovo for terrorism, whose computers contained "anti-western and anti-Semitic material."