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Djuric, Tanin spoke about political and security situation in Kosovo (TV Most, KIM Radio)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo Director, Marko Djuric met with the Head of UNMIK, Zahir Tanin today and spoke about current political and security situation in Kosovo and the forthcoming UN Security Council session on Kosovo, Serbian media reported.

On this occasion, Djuric expressed the stance of Serbia that UN Security Council should continue discussions on Kosovo every three months.

Nurse Retracts Testimony in Kosovo Organ-Trafficking Trial (Balkan Insight)

At the retrial of three Kosovo men accused of trafficking in human organs, a nurse who worked at the Medicus clinic near Pristina denied a statement she signed ten years ago about the removal of patients’ kidneys.

Mendehie Hajdari, who used to work as a nurse at the Medicus clinic until the day investigators closed it down in 2008 over the allegations of organ trafficking, appeared at Pristina Basic Court on Wednesday but retracted her previous statement to police.

Dacic: Someone wish to change format of UN Security Council sessions on Kosovo (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister, Ivica Dacic spoke in Palermo with his Italian counterpart about attempts to change the format of the UN Security Council sessions on Kosovo, Tanjug news agency reported.

Ivica Dacic and Angelino Alfano spoke on the margins of the OSCE Mediterranean Conference on the relations between the two countries and international organizations, in particular about the UN Security Council, which will be chaired by Italy next month.

MEP McAllister: Kosovo to focus on rule of law and dialogue with Serbia (Telegrafi)

Kosovo’s Minister for European Integration, Dhurata Hoxha, met in Brussels the chair of the European Parliament foreign affairs committee, David McAllister. The two discussed current developments in Kosovo and the government’s priorities with regards to EU integration.

"Vucic-Yee meeting had two key points" – sources (Vecernje Novosti, Tanjug, B92)

The meeting on Tuesday between President Aleksandar Vucic and US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Hoyt Brian Yee "could be summarized into two key points."

According to the Belgrade-based daily Vecernje Novosti, these points are: deep disagreement over the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, and continuing pressure on Serbia to abandon its close relations with Russia.

Kosovo Acts to Preserve War Victims’ Possessions (Balkan Insight)

War victims’ clothes and other personal possessions, stored at the Institute of Forensic Medicine since 2003, are being transferred to a better location after calls to ensure that they are preserved.

Thousands of items that were owned by Kosovo war victims whose bodies have been found in mass and individual graves since the conflict are being transferred to a more appropriate location after having been stored for years in poor conditions.

The move comes after pressure by the director of Kosovo Forensics, Arsim Gerxhaliu, and victims’ families.

Measles epidemic in Kosovo; new case in central Serbia (B92, Vecernje Novosti)

A patient from Kosovska Mitrovica in northern Kosovo, who was visiting Kragujevac, central Serbia, has developed the symptoms of measles, it has been confirmed.

The daily Vecernje Novosti writes that this is the second case of the spread of the disease from Kosovo and Metohija, since an epidemic of measles was reported there.

Kosovo Remains Hot Topic in Albania-Serbia Media (Balkan Insight)

New research conducted in Tirana and Belgrade shows that while newspapers in both countries have a neutral tone when writing about each other, the tone becomes bitter when the subject turns to Kosovo.

Serbia's former province of Kosovo remains a hot issue between Albania and Serbia, judging by the tone that the media in both countries use when writing about each other.