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Fatherland Movement: Vucic would propose two Germany model as solution for Kosovo status (Kontakt plus radio)

Serbian President, Aleksandar Vucic, would propose to citizens two Germany model as a solution for the Kosovo status, Fatherland Movement said today referring to “reliable sources,” Kontakt plus radio reported.

Its press statement further reads, that within this model, Serbia should sign with Kosovo a peace treaty, exchange diplomatic representatives and do not obstacle Kosovo to become a UN member.

“Dialogue does not mean Serbia’s readiness to recognize Kosovo” (Tanjug, Klan Kosova)

Head of Serbia’s Parliamentary Commission for for Kosovo, Milovan Drecun said today that the initiative to start an internal dialogue on Kosovo, does not mean that Serbia is ready to recognize Kosovo as an independent state, but to deal with proposals and see final solution of the problem.

According to him, Serbia’s proposal for the solution of the Kosovo problem should be presented to Albanians and the international community, in order to open discussions on the matter, reported Serbian news agency, Tanjug.

Dacic: Kosovo will not become UNESCO member, but it will join Interpol (Danas, Zeri)

Serbia’s Foreign Minister, Ivica Dacic, said that the situation with Kosovo’s membership at Interpol is more complicated than UNESCO membership. It is clear that Kosovo does not have more than two thirds of votes for UNESCO membership,” he said.

He added that he would meet on Friday with Minister of Internal Affairs, Nebojsa Stefanovic, to discuss Kosovo’s membership at Interpol, being that the problem stands on jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Kosovo recognition would be high price, said German politician (Politika, Tanjug, B92)

If a demand to recognize Kosovo were to be "delivered" as a condition for Serbia's accession to the EU that would "be a high price to pay."

Tanjug is reporting this quoting philosopher and senior official of Alternative for Germany, Marc Jongen, whose party, according to estimates, will not only enter the German parliament in the next election, but is set win between 10 to 12 percent of the vote.

"It is difficult to give advice, but I believe in that case, the people should decide in a referendum whether Serbia is ready to pay that price," Jongen told the daily Politika.

Nothing from request to UNESCO (Novosti)

Pristina took no formal steps to submit its request for UNESCO membership before this UN organization, Novosti daily reported referring to “diplomatic cycles.”

The UNESCO General Assembly conference takes place in November, and one month prior to it, a session is hold where decisions on whether to forward requests to the General Assembly or not are made. According to unofficial sources Kosovo would not stand better chances than it was the case two years ago.

Albania’s premier urges Serbia to recognize breakaway Kosovo (The Washington Post)

Albania’s prime minister is urging Serbia to recognize Kosovo as a separate country, saying the acknowledgement would help stabilize the Balkan region.

Prime Minister Edi Rama wrote on his Facebook page Tuesday that Serbia’s recognition of Kosovo’s independence was “the clear solution from the darkness of the tunnel to the light of coming out of it.”

Serbia ‘Staged Unfair Trials of Kosovo Albanians’: Report (Balkan Insight)

Serbian courts staged almost 2,000 unfair trials of Kosovo Albanians from 1998 to 2000, violating their rights and using discredited techniques to convict them, claimed a report by the Humanitarian Law Centre.

Serbian courts unfairly tried 1,874 Kosovo Albanians from 1998 to 2000, many of them being defendants who were transferred to prisons in Serbia after the Kosovo war ended in June 1999, said the report launched on Tuesday in Belgrade by the Humanitarian Law Centre.

Rama shares Vucic's writing on Kosovo (Gazeta Metro)

Albania’s Prime Minister, Edi Rama, shared on his Facebook page the writing of the Serbian President, Aleksandar Vucic, where he speaks about Kosovo. Rama called the text “story of the day” and valued highly the road toward improvement of the relations between Albanians and Serbs. He added that reciprocal efforts in the dialogue will relax further these relations for as he put it “the children of our two nations and responsibility for the future in peace and welfare of our two nations.”

Vucic Says Serbia Must Resolve Dispute With Kosovo 'Together' (RFE)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic says his country must resolve its differences with its former province of Kosovo to establish a “permanent” solution to benefit the entire region.

Vucic said in an opinion article published in the Blic newspaper that "it is important now, more than ever, that we all find an answer together."

Vucic’s Latest ‘Historic’ Promise: A Deal with Kosovo (Balkaninsight)

The Serbian president has vowed to cut a deal to resolve the Kosovo issue once and for all – but don’t hold your breath waiting for it to actually happen.

Former Prime Minister and now President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic likes to describe himself in Promethean terms.

Whatever he does, be it opening of a stretch of railway, or embarking on a state visit, it’s always “for the first time in recent history”.