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Blic: “There are evidences against 160 members of KLA” (Blic, KIM Radio)

More than 160 persons of the Albanian nationality are charged for the war crimes in Kosovo at the Serbian War Crimes Prosecution, Blic daily wrote on weekend.

These persons, mainly members of the KLA, are suspected of committing the crimes against Serbs and non-Albanian population during the conflict in Kosovo, since the end of 1997 till the end of NATO bombardment in 1999.

Investigations in Serbia are also carried out against Hashim Thaci, current Kosovo President and Ramush Haradinaj.

New Elections 'Risk Damaging Kosovo's Economy' (Balkan Insight)

If Kosovo fails to form a government and has to hold another snap election, it risks damaging its economic outlook by stalling progress and spending unnecessary funds on new polls, experts warned.

Two months after Kosovo held snap elections following the fall of the previous government, the country is facing a political deadlock and the prospect of fresh pre-term polls, which could seriously affect the economy, experts warned.

“The impacts are enormous and extremely damaging,” economic expert Ibrahim Rexhepi told BIRN.

Belgrade Boulevard to be named after Battle of Kosare heroes (Tanjug, B92)

Belgraders have chosen to name the boulevard connecting the Ada Bridge with the Tosin Bunar neighborhood after the heroes of the Battle of Kosare, Tanjug news agency reported.

Belgrade Mayor Sinisa Mali announced the results of the voting, and noted that he was "very glad that the memory of those great heroes will be preserved in that way."

Djuric: Serbia to do everything to prevent Pristina's Interpol bid (Tanjug, TV Pink, KIM Radio)

Serbia will do its utmost to prevent Kosovo's membership in Interpol, said the director of the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo, Marko Djuric.

"Kosovo and Metohija is now represented in Interpol through the organs of Serbia and through UNMIK. If there is a criminal who should be detained from the territory of Kosovo, that issue has already been resolved," Djuric told TV Pink.

He pointed out that "a desire to confirm sovereignty as an independent state" is behind Pristina's request for admission to that international organization.

Mother Makarija: Serbia, your faithful children feel like drowning men on the turbulent Kosovo sea (Blic)


“The initiative of the President of the Republic to launch an internal dialogue on Kosovo is very positive, only in my humble opinion, it is more than ten years late” Mother of Makarija, Abbess of the Sokolica monastery in Kosovo stated to Blic.

She wondered how come Kosovo is a southern Serbian province, when it was recognized by most of the countries in the world, by accepting the UN Security Council Resolution 1244.

Pence: Kosovo to join NATO (Zeri/RTK)

The U.S. Vice President Mike Pence said that his country want to see Kosovo part of NATO. Kosovo will very soon join NATO. He said the U.S. will be engaged in eliminating all obstacles for Kosovo becoming full-fledged member of the Adriatic Charter and NATO. “The U.S. continues to support dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia for normalization of relations and good neighbourhood”, Pence said in Podgorica where he is attending the U.S.-Adriatic Charter summit.

Kosovo’s Interpol bid: Interior Minister Hyseni travels to New York (RTK)

Kosovo’s Interior Minister, Skender Hyseni, is in New York to lobby for Kosovo’s membership to Interpol. Hyseni is expected meet a number of permanent representatives from UN member states. Yesterday, Hyseni met representatives from Uruguay, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, and Senegal and he is reported to have received support for Kosovo’s Interpol membership.