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International media exaggerated and simplified Kosovo’s radicalization problem, report claims (Prishtina Insight)

Report published by the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs criticizes media coverage of radicalization in Kosovo, claiming it both exaggerated the issue and simplified motives.

While international coverage of Kosovar foreign fighters in Syria managed to bring the issue of radicalization to international attention, quite often media reports were simplistic and lacked nuance, a new report published by the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, NUPI, claims.

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EU Urges Kosovo to End Political Deadlock (Balkan Insight)

The European Union said Kosovo MPs should end the political deadlock preventing the formation of a new government because the country has “no time to lose” to press ahead with vital reforms.

“Kosovo has no time to lose,” the EU Foreign Affairs and Security Policy office told BIRN as Kosovo remained without a government two months after holding general elections.

What Kosovo Can(‘t) Expect from Vucic’s Call for Dialogue (Balkan Insight)

By: Gezim Krasniqi

Far from signaling a new era in Serbia-Kosovo relations, Vucic’s recent call to ‘get real’ on the issue could lead to attempts to redraw borders.

While optimists may have welcomed Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic’s recent call for an internal debate within Serbia about Kosovo, seasoned observers fear the move will serve to tighten Vucic’s already considerable grip on power.

Western powers concerned at Kosovo political deadlock (Euractiv)

Leading western powers voiced concern yesterday(13 August)at political deadlock in Kosovo,which has still not formed a government two months after snap elections in the tiny country,a former Serbian province.

Britain,France,Germany,Italy and United States said it was“the responsibility of Kosovo’s leaders”to form a parliament and government the June ballots.

Stanković: There is no parallel between the problem of the Serbs in Kosovo and the three municipalities in the south of Serbia (Politika, RFE)

President of the Coordination Body of the Serbian Government for Preševo, Bujanovac and Medveđa Zoran Stanković states that that there is no parallel between solving the problem of the Serbs in Kosovo and local self-governments in the south of Serbia where Albanians live.

Dacic: Russia would support delimitation with Kosovo, if it is our official stance (Tanjug, Dnevnik)

Russia would support the idea on delimitation with Kosovo if it becomes an official stance of Serbia, said the leader of the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) and Serbian Foreign Minister, Ivica Dacic, adding he is exposed to constant attacks ever since he mentioned division of Kosovo, Serbian media reported.

“They call me a traitor, and I have not heard anyone else proposing any other solution,” Dacic said. He further went on saying that great world powers would support the proposition if it becomes an official stance of Serbia.

"Kosovo won't join UNESCO; they haven't even reapplied" (B92, Beta)

First Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic assessed on Sunday that Kosovo would not succeed in joining UNESCO.

Speaking during the marking of the anniversary of the Gorazdevac crime, Dacic said that Pristina has not filed a new request for membership.

According to him, Pristina is "aware that Kosovo would not be able to gain enough votes, and that owing to Belgrade's diplomatic activity even those who abstained (in 2015) would vote 'no'."

DSS: Serbia should get out from vicious cycle of European integration (Tanjug, Blic)

Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) called upon all political stakeholders to state their opinion on the EU conditions, adding the time has come to Serbia to get out from the vicious cycle of the European integration and focus on regulating its own society, freed from the Brussels tutoring, Serbian media reported.

Leader of DSS, Milos Jovanovic said it is necessary to open a discussion in Serbia about the EU.