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Mimoza Ahmetaj: Establishment of the Community of Serb Municipalities in line with Kosovo laws (Blic, Beta)

Mimoza Ahmetaj: Establishment of the Community of Serb Municipalities in line with Kosovo laws (Blic, Beta)

Kosovo Minister for EU Integration, Mimoza Ahmetaj stated yesterday afternoon that the Kosovo Government remains committed to the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, and that the Community of Serb Municipalities would be done in line with Kosovo Constitution and laws.

Brnabic’s keynote – Urgently to establish Community of Serb Municipalities (B92, KIM Radio)

As B92 reported yesterday Ana Brnabic Prime Minister-designate presented her keynote and also spoke about “the urgency of establishing a Community of Serb Municipalities in the province of Kosovo and Metohija, saying that the goal is to maintain stability in Kosovo, continue negotiations with representatives of the interim administration in Pristina, economically strengthen Serbs there, and continue to support the return of displaced persons.”

“Kosovo authorities clearly say they do not want to integrate us” (KIM Radio, Kontakt plus radio)

Non-governmental organization Activ from Mitrovica North organized yesterday a conference dedicated to difficult procedure and obstacles to obtain Kosovo citizenship, document that is a prerequisite to have Kosovo identification documents.

In a wider context this issue was identified as the main obstacle to integration, in particular northern part of Kosovo into Kosovo society.

US analysts: Trump has no plan for Balkans, EU is running out of “carrots” (InSerbia)

The new US administration has not yet formulated a policy towards the Western Balkans, and the European Union is running out of “carrots” to motivate the Balkan countries in the implementation of reforms, and again European integration, with Russian obstructions, still remains the best way for the region – US analysts said on Monday on the panel “Western Balkans – Delicate Balance” at the Woodrow Wilson Center.

Saint Vidus Day (Vidovdan) celebration in Kosovo today (KosSev)

KosSev reported Serbs are celebrating the Saint Vidus Day in Kosovo today, and also mark 628th anniversary of the Kosovo battle.

Also, celebration are taking place Serbia-wide with different manifestations. A requiem is being held in Orthodox temples for all fallen soldiers at the battle field.

The central manifestation would take place in Kosovo, at Gazimestan Monument and Gracanica, where Serbian Orthodox Church Patriarch Irinej would hold liturgy and requiem. This date is one of the most symbolic dates as it marks several crucial events.

Vetevendosje Eyes Success in Kosovo Local Elections (Balkan Insight)

After performing strongly in the general election, the opposition movement hopes to replicate this success in October’s local polls.

Kosovo’s opposition Vetevendosje party may prove a strong contender in the municipal elections set for October 22, after the general elections this June showed a surprising spike in its popularity.

Pristina at session of Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly without right to vote (Vecernje Novosti)

Pristina at session of Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly without right to vote (Vecernje Novosti)

Vecernje Novosti reported that the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly holds session this week in Strasbourg without participation of the Serbian delegation as MPs would attend the Assembly of Serbia session on the new government formation.

Will Srpska Lista be part of governing coalition? (RTK2)

RTK 2 referring to Pristina based media reports on claims by Ramush Haradinaj, one of the possible candidates for the Prime Minister that he has secured 61 votes for forming the government, reported it is still uncertain with whom Srpska Lista will be, however this List states they are open to negotiations.

Interpol still far for Pristina (Večernje Novosti)

Večernje Novosti reports that at the beginning of this month the Interpol Executive Board gave a "green light" for the Pristina membership request to be on the agenda of its 86th General Assembly in September, sources of the Belgrade based daily Večernje Novosti said that this was not the final attitude. Because, ahead of the Assembly to be held in Beijing, the Interpol Executive Board will meet once again and only then determine the final agenda, which means that the issue of membership is still on a long stick.