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Kosovo – Indictment against inciting terrorist acts (KoSSev)

Kosovo Special Prosecution brought up indictment today against R.A arrested on the eve of Easter Holiday, under suspicion that he was calling for terrorist acts in Kosovo.

R.A is indicted under suspicion that on 14th April, using Facebook profile, Internet and You Tube profile “Nashhed” posted video recordings with the texts he wrote and recorded calling upon “Muslims in the name of Jihad” to commit terrorist attacks against Kosovo Government and foreign embassies in Kosovo.

Thaci: Let us leave aside divergences, continue with dialogue (RTK)

The President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci requested from the entire political specter in Kosovo to leave aside political and party divisions, in order to support discussions between Kosovo and Serbia on normalization of relations.

In an interview given to RTK from Brussels, Thaci said that Kosovo’s only way for integration is that of dialogue and integration, and within this segment, he said, there should not be political divergences.

"EU more popular in Serbia than in many EU member-states" (B92)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic says that his country will maintain its "the road toward the EU" foreign policy course.

Speaking a day after Serbia's new government was elected, he said the EU integration was being carried out "for the sake of citizens, not for EU's sake."

The minister took part in the opening of a conference dubbed "Multi-speed Europe - Western Balkans in reverse" via a video message, and said that the new government will keep the priorities of the previous one.

AFP: Political blockade in Kosovo after the election, re-vote possible (Blic, Beta, AFP)

The official results of the parliamentary elections in Kosovo "suggest a political blockade," the French news agency AFP assessed last tonight.

AFP explained that "no one can form the government independently, and different political forces look deeply divided."

According to political scientist Bekim Kupini, Kosovo is "at the brink of a knife", and, in his opinion, AFP quotes "the most likely outcome of the crisis is call for a new elections."



Human trafficking continues in Kosovo (K 2.0)

New report suggests some progress from previous years.

The U.S. State Department released its 2017 Trafficking in Persons Report this week, which indicates that Kosovo has a long way to go to tackle the phenomenon. As with last year, Kosovo has been categorized as a Tier 2 country, meaning it has “not fully met Trafficking Victims Protection Act’s (TVPA) minimum standards” but is “making significant efforts” to do so.

NATO SG to Blic daily: There is no establishment of Kosovo army without Serbs acceptance

In an interview NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg gave to Blic daily yesterday, topics such as depleted uranium, Kosovo army, and communities’ acceptance of the army were touched upon.

Asked to comment on lawsuits by 300 Italian soldiers suing NATO because they suffered from incurable diseases after their service in Kosovo that was bombed with depleted uranium, NATO SG stated that NATO is in Kosovo to help stabilize the region and avoid violence and unrests.

Arrests in Kosovo and in New York City for Organized Crime; Kelmendi released from custody while in trial (Serbian media)

All media in the Serbian language today reported about the arrest of 10 people in Kosovo and the US in a joint action by the Kosovo Police and the American DEA Service. The media also reported that the Basic Court in Pristina released Naser Kelmendi while in trial, who was charged with murder and organized crime.

Kosovo police have announced that in a joint operation with the US DEA service have arrested 10 people in Kosovo and New York, suspected of organized crime and narcotics trafficking.

“No Kosovo UNESCO” – Prevent self-declared Kosovo to become member of UNESCO (SRNA)

Non-governmental organization “No Kosovo UNESCO” initiated a second campaign against an announced initiative that Kosovo becomes member of UNESCO.

This organization stated that similar initiative two years ago was prevented and the same will happen this time too.

“Two years ago, we have defeated them. We have decided to once again initiate our campaign “No Kosovo UNESCO” and once more prevent Kosovo become a member of the UNESCO,” its press release stated.