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Hahn: Statements on unification of Kosovo and Albania, dangerous and unacceptable (Tema)

The European Union Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Hahn, told Tema that statements for eventual national unification of Albanians in case EU does not open doors for Kosovo and Albania, are dangerous and unacceptable. “First of all, there is an uncontested perspective of all Western Balkans countries to join the EU and we will continue to work with all partners in the region in a bilateral manner on their European road.

Elections Fail to Cure Kosovo’s Political Maladies (Balkan Insight)

The recent snap election failed to fix Kosovo's political deadlock, raising questions about the  formation of a new government and continuation of reforms.

Last month’s elections failed to bring relief to Kosovo's jammed political scene and with three parties or coalitions each having taken large slices of the vote, negotiations over who forms a new government will be complicated.

Braathu: First fighting of corruption then visa liberalization (RTK)

The OSCE Mission in Kosovo in cooperation with the German government, launched today the second project on strengthening capacities of Kosovo institutions in fighting serious corruption “Development of capacities of Kosovo agencies and Special Prosecution in fighting corruption of the high level.”

B92: Croatia to have some role concerning Kosovo army (Večernje Novosti)

Croatia will not directly engage in the formation of the Kosovo army - as has been announced by candidate for Kosovo PM Alibin Kurti, writes Vecernje Novosti.

However, the daily - that refers to Kurti as "the leader of the Self-Determination" - adds that it learned from "well-informed military and political circles in Zagreb" that if the West gives green light to Pristina to transform the Kosovo Security Forces into armed forces, Croatia "will provide assistance first in military training."

Foreign Ministry rebuts reports Kosovo was suspended from WCO (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo’s Foreign Ministry issued a statement rebutting reports from the Serbian Foreign Ministry saying Kosovo was suspended by the World Customs Organization (WCO).  Kosovo authorities said Serbia, backed by Russia, failed to dispute Kosovo’s full membership to WCO and that Kosovo remains a full-fledged member of the organization since January 2017.

Hahn: Western Balkan EU Prospects Unquestionable (CorD)

European Commissioner For Regional Policy & Enlargement Johannes Hahn told CorD that the pace of negotiations depends on the progress countries make in implementing the necessary reforms.

-Quality goes before speed, but I always say that it is good to be ambitious. The Berlin Process serves to drive that reform programme forward, always with a view to strengthening each country’s preparations to meet their European Integration ambitions, said Hahn to CorD Magazine, published monthly in Belgrade.

Margarita Simonan – Yesterday Kosovo, today China and Russia (Sputnjik)

The media are able to change entire destinies of people, heads of states, sometimes borders, and Kosovo is the best example of it. Secession would not have been possible without tendentious articles from all the world media about the conflict in Yugoslavia, stated Editor-in-Chief of Sputnik daily and TV Russia Today, Margarita Simonan, Belgrade-based Sputnjik daily reported.

She made these remarks addressing Russian and Chinese Presidents, as well as members of their delegations.

Kocijancic: Serbia's EU membership depends on relations with Kosovo (Tanjug, Klan Kosova)

Maja Kocijancic, EU's Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations told Serbian news agency Tanjug that the speed and date of Serbia’s joining the EU depends mainly on Serbia’s progress on implementation of reforms and normalization of the relations with Kosovo. She added that the EU will be working with Serbia for a stronger and faster process of membership. “The EU is strongly engaged on Serbia’s strategic objective of EU membership.

Serbia Will Choose EU Over Russia If Forced, Premier Says (

If Serbia is forced to choose between closer ties with Russia and joining the European Union, it will side with the latter, the country’s new prime minister said. Ana Brnabic said she’d continue a path started by her predecessor, President Aleksandar Vucic, to make the country ready for EU membership by the time her term ends in 2020. Eastern Europe’s first openly gay woman to lead a government, she was handpicked by Vucic to replace him after he won an April vote.