OSCE Mission in Kosovo condemns vandalism on memorial plaque of missing journalists (OSCE Mission, Radio KIM, B92)
Kozarev: Role of international organizations crucial for human rights protection in Kosovo (Danas)
OSCE Mission in Kosovo warns that Ivanovic murder remains unsolved (TV N1)
Kosovo's Ministry of Infrastructure states that works on the road Decani-Plav continue by avoiding the protected area (Kossev)
Political Advisor to the Minister of Infrastructure Fatos Mani told Pristina based daily Gazeta Express that the works on the route to Plav continue with avoiding the protected area around the monastery. According to him, the opposition of the monastery to the construction of the road has a political character, writes today portal Kossev.
"Great UNS job investigating Kosovo murders of journalists" (B92, UNS)
"Journalists’ Association of Serbia (UNS) has done great job in investigations of murders and abductions of the journalists on the territory of Kosovo and Metohija"
Chairman of the Commission for Investigating Murder of Journalists Veran Matic had announced the possibility of establishing this commission on Kosovo, with the aim of resolving the killings and abductions of 14 journalists and media workers in osovo and Metohija (KiM) from 1998 until 2005.
“Ivanovic murder strong slap to Kosovo government” (KIM Radio)
“Issues to resolve with dialogue” (KIM Radio)
OSCE: Elections to run peacefully and regularly (RTV KiM)
Braathu: First fighting of corruption then visa liberalization (RTK)
The OSCE Mission in Kosovo in cooperation with the German government, launched today the second project on strengthening capacities of Kosovo institutions in fighting serious corruption “Development of capacities of Kosovo agencies and Special Prosecution in fighting corruption of the high level.”