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Kosovo's Ministry of Infrastructure states that works on the road Decani-Plav continue by avoiding the protected area (Kossev)

Political Advisor to the Minister of Infrastructure Fatos Mani told Pristina based daily Gazeta Express that the works on the route to Plav continue with avoiding the protected area around the monastery. According to him, the opposition of the monastery to the construction of the road has a political character, writes today portal Kossev.

Srpska Lista condemned Nataliya Apostolova statement: ZSO will be established as it was signed in Brussels (Tanjug, Vecernje Novosti)

Srpska Lista, condemned in strongest terms late on Friday the statement of the EU Representative in Kosovo, Nataliya Aposotlova, who said “that the Association of the Serb Municipalities would be established in line with the Constitutional Court from Pristina decision,” and added that Srpka Lista will never accept the establishment of the Association if not in line with what was signed in Brussels, Serbian media reported.