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Analyst: Request to return Kosovo issue to UN the only appropriate reaction to Pristina’s ban (Danas, BETA)

Analyst Cvjetin Milivojevic assessed today the request to return Kosovo issue to the United Nations would be the only appropriate reaction of Serbia to Pristina’s decision to ban entry to all Serbian officials, Danas daily reports.

“Only this way Serbia could react as a serious state. Any other way would indicate that Serbian officials have neither idea nor solution to the Kosovo issue,” Milojevic told BETA news agency.

Vecernje Novosti: ''CIA protege involved in Ivanovic's murder? Suspected of 'NisEkspres' bus explosion" (Serbian media)

Belgrade based daily Vecernje Novosti today's edition on its front page carries a headline ''Protege of CIA 'a brain' of the Ivanovic's liquidation''. Daily writes that Serbian's authorities have photographs that clarify the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, as well as the name of a person suspected of being a direct perpetrator of the murder.

“Meeting with Eliot could be counterproductive” (Danas)

Meeting of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic with US Congressman Eliot Engel would not have major significance in resolving the Kosovo issue, given that Engel is an active Albanian lobbyist in Washington, diplomats told Danas daily.

Danas daily interlocutors went on saying that this meeting could even be “counterproductive” for Serbia’s position in continuation of negotiations on Kosovo because Engel “strongly opposes the policy of US President Donald Trump.”

Army of Serbia Chief of Staff: KFOR the only legitimate force in Kosovo (Serbian media)

Army of Serbia Chief of Staff, general Milan Mojsilovic told KFOR Commander Lorenzo D'Addario that KFOR is the only legitimate armed formation in Kosovo, reported Serbian media.

KFOR is the most responsible for the safety of the people in the entire territory of Kosovo, especially of the non-Albanian population in the north, General Mojsilovic told General D'Addario.

Vucic met with Engel (RTS)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said today he hopes messages of the US Congressman Eliot Engel in Pristina would contribute to creating conditions for continuation of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, RTS reported. The sooner we continue the dialogue, the possibilities to reduce tensions would increase, Vucic added.

President Vucic met with the Chairman of the House of Representatives Foreign Policy Committee, Congressman Eliot Engel in Belgrade today.

Miroslav Ivanovic: Unacceptable that Serbia hides Radojicic (Danas)

It is good the arrest warrant for Milan Radojicic was issued and that there is a will of Kosovo institutions, however, without pressure by the international community it will not be implemented, because the attitude of the Serbian authorities in this case so far was unacceptable, brother of the murdered leader of Civic Initiative Freedom Democracy Justice (GI SDP) Oliver Ivanovic, Miroslav told Danas daily.

Dacic: Peru recognized Kosovo; however, it supports us in Security Council (RTS, TV N1)

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic assessed his visit to Peru as of historic importance, since it is in the interest of Serbia to renew relations with this country, RTS reports. He added, strategic relations between the two countries and Serbia’s presence in this region are the most important topics to discuss.

Tanjug: Eliot Engel to visit Belgrade (Tanjug, B92)

One of the most active and “hardcore” Albanian activists in Washington, US Congressman Eliot Engel - as described by the Tanjug news agency - is set to visit Belgrade on Wednesday, the agency said it has learnt.

According to Tanjug Congressman Engel would meet Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic.

The two of them have already met in February this year during the 55th Munich Security Conference when Vucic met with the US Congress Delegation, and Congressman Engel was part of it. Bytyqi brothers case was in the focus of that meeting.

Dacic in Panama, Pristina’s lobbying centre (RTS)

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic who participated in the inauguration ceremony of the new President Laurentino Cortizo Cohen in Panama said his visit to this country, first after many years, was very important given that he spoke with officials there about important topics, including Kosovo issue, RTS reports.

Dacic also spoke with the Vice-President of Panama, the former and the new Minister of Foreign Affairs.

New Russian ambassador: The West is pressing Serbia and supports exclusively Albanians (Beta, Sputnik, N1)

The West's pressure on Serbia is obvious, and the US and its allies are encouraging Kosovo to maintain tensions in the region, said Russia's new ambassador to Serbia, Alexander Bocan-Harchenko.

According to the Sputnik portal, he pointed out that these pressures are felt during the pre-accession negotiations that the European Union leads with Serbia, while the Americans are doing it in an even stronger way.