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About political amorality (Koha Ditore)

Lumir Abdixhiku, considers that it is already clear that the new political generation, just as their predecessors, does not recognize moral as an element of policy making. “While the older ones used to hide their dirty political businesses of embezzlement and usurpation, the younger ones mock the others and express them openly with miserable public bragging.”  Abdixhiku warns that this reduces the regenerating potential of Kosovo, while increasing challenges against the capturing of the state.

Increased participation of citizens in the process of creation of ZSO needed (TV Most)

Kontakt plus Radio in cooperation with the NGO Center for Women’s Development, from Mitrovica North, works on the implementation of the project ‘My Stance’ aimed at increased participation of residents in northern Kosovo in the process of designing the strategic documents related to the creation and work of the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities in Kosovo (A/CSO).

Out of EUR 54.5 million from EU funds for the north, EUR 8,5 million spent (Kontakt Plus Radio)

From 2010 until today the European Union has invested more than EUR 54 million in 124 projects in northern Kosovo. Project implemented so far value EUR 8.5 million, whereas EUR 37.25 million are in the process of implementation, whilst works related to the projects in total value of EUR 8.5 million are still pending.


EP foreign affairs committee votes in favour of visa-free travel for Kosovo (Telegrafi)

The European Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee has voted today in favour of the proposal for granting visa liberalisation to Kosovo citizens. The news was announced by the European Parliament Vice President and rapporteur for Kosovo, Ulrike Lunacek. “It is now time for Kosovo politicians to act,” tweeted Lunacek after the vote. Kosovo’s Minister for European Integration, Bekim Çollaku, hailed the news as an important step towards the final decision for visa liberalisation.

Europe amidst wish and reality (Koha Ditore)

The paper’s opinion writer, Enver Robelli, recalls the European Summit held in Porto Carras, Greece in 2003, with the countries of the Western Balkans.  He quotes the statement made from the Summit that “The EU stresses that it supports without any reservation the European orientation of the Western Balkans countries. The Future of the Balkans states is in the European Union.” He also mentions the appeals made at that time for reforms, arrests of the suspects for war crimes, and return of refugees.

The Terrorists the Saudis Cultivate in Peaceful Countries (Koha Ditore)

The paper has published  an opinion piece by Nicholas Kristof, published initially on the New York Times on July 2, 2016.

PEJA, Kosovo — FIRST, a three-part quiz:

Which Islamic country celebrates as a national hero a 15th-century Christian who battled Muslim invaders?

Which Islamic country is so pro-American it has a statue of Bill Clinton and a women’s clothing store named “Hillary” on Bill Klinton Boulevard?

Trials Resume as EULEX Restarts Work in Kosovo (Balkan Insight)

The EU's rule-of-law mission in Kosovo, EULEX, has become officially operative again after the law extending its mandate was published in Kosovo's official gazette - allowing high-profile trials to resume.

The EU's rule-of-law mission in Kosovo, EULEX, was officially operational again as of Wednesday night, when two laws extending its mandate were published in the official gazette.

This gives a green light to the resumption of several sensitive trials for corruption and organised crime in which EULEX is involved.

Kosovo Vows to Halt Serb Refugee Settlement (Balkan Insight)

The Serbian government-funded construction of a housing settlement for Serb refugees in northern Kosovo has angered Kosovo officials, who claim it is an attempt to extend Belgrade’s political influence.

The recent start of construction on Sunny Valley, the first big returnee settlement that the Serbian government plans to build in the northern Kosovo town of Zvecan, has caused outrage in Pristina.