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Arrested on suspicion of preparing attacks in Serbia (Kontakt plus radio, Alo)

Three members of the Islamic State (F.B, I.F. and S. L.) were arrested in Kosovo on suspicion of plotting terrorist attacks in Serbia.

As reported by Alo daily, Kosovo police detained the returnees from the war zone in Syria (F. B, I.F and S. L.) and filed criminal charges against them due to their link with the Islamic state.

They were remanded in custody because of the formation of Islamic state cells in Kosovo.

Djurić: No justifications for delay of creation of the A/CSM (TV Most)

“The process of delay of the creation of the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities is not acceptable for Serbia from a political point of view and we have made it clear in front of the 190 members of the United Nations, and in front of the permanent and non-permanent members of the Security Council (UN)”, said Director of the Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djurić to TV Most.


UNMIK chief: Despite political violence from the opposition, Kosovo has made progress (Koha)

The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General and head of UNMIK Zahir Tanin, said at the UN Security Council session on Kosovo that this was a year in which Kosovo will face complex challenges, and then went on to assess key developments emerging from 2015. “In recent months the polarization of the Kosovo political landscape has reached levels where progress is being impeded, despite considerable efforts by the government to pursue an ambitious reform agenda. The extremes of political antagonism have clearly transgressed basic democratic norms.

Serbia "can't be punching bag," FM says at UNSC Kosovo meeting (B92)

Serbia cannot be "a punching bag" for representatives of Kosovo institutions on occasions such as UN Security Council sessions. This was the message of Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic, who pointed out that Belgrade "is not afraid" and that negotiations with Pristina represent "our strength, not weakness."
"As much as Serbia is trying to extend a hand, we have nobody to extend it towards," Dacic said, reacting strongly to the address during a UN Security Council session on Kosovo by Kosovo's ambassador to the U.S., Vlora Citaku.


Recognize Kosovo or Pay the Price (media)

Several news sites in Kosovo re-run an opinion piece by Marc Champion originally published in Bloomberg View.

Eight years after Kosovo declared its independence from Serbia, five European Union states still refuse to recognize it. They need to relent. They are contributing to an economic and security sinkhole in the heart of the Balkans -- and if history is any guide, that's a bad idea.

"EU trying to force Serbia to give up on Kosovo" (B92, KIM radio, TV Most)

Russian Ambassador to the UN, Vitaly Churkin said that there has been no specific progress after the Belgrade-Pristina agreement on normalization of relations.

He also said that a majority in the EU was trying to force Belgrade to abandon its position on the Kosovo issue, "step by step, in negotiations for EU membership."

"UNMIK for the improvement of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina" (KIM radio)

Together with the EU and other partners, UNMIK is committed to improving dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina on all levels, from the central government to civil society, said the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General and head of UNMIK Zahir Tanin.

At the regular meeting of the UN Security Council in New York on Kosovo, Zahir Tanin said that the cooperation between the Serbian Orthodox Church and the Kosovo authorities has declined over the last year.