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Ban Ki-moon: Opposition violence has delayed implementation of the agreement (Tanjug, TV Most)

In his latest report on Kosovo United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has expressed concerns about the violence staged by Kosovo opposition parties and says that such developments have contributed to delays in some aspects of the implementation of agreements between Belgrade and Pristina, particularly with regard to the creation of the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities (A/CSM).


Veseli: President should call leaders for dialogue (RTKlive)

Kosovo’s President of the Assembly, Kadri Veseli, appealed to the President of Kosovo, Atifete Jahjaga, to call the parties in order to find a solution for the political crisis. “Jahjaga will not be in a bad position after the end of her mandate, she will gain many benefits. It is necessary to find a political solution to overcome these challenges and to orient the country towards economic development.

Police to expand investigation of arrested persons near Decani Monastery (Kontakt Plus Radio)

Kosovo's Deputy Minister of the Interior Milan Radojevic stated today that police will expand the investigation of the four persons arrested on Saturday night in possession of ammunition and religious material in front of the Visoki Decani Monastery.

Radojevic further stated that police will expand the investigation to shed light on whether the case is linked to terrorism and religious extremism.


Osmani: Without a quorum, election of Thaci is impossible (Telegrafi)

Kosovo Assembly MP from the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Vjosa Osmani, known as one of the criticizing voices against the PDK-LDK coalition, confirmed once again that she will object Hashim Thaqi’s candidacy for the President of Kosovo. “I am not aware of how the other deputies will act, but it is important for each of us to act according to our convictions and conscience, and in line with the will of the electorate,” Osmani said.

Stojanovic: Kosovo could become a center of religious extremism (RTS)

Influence of religion and religious leaders is huge in Kosovo said the Chairperson of the Serbian Parliament’s Committee for Coordination of Security Services, Momir Stojanoivc, to RTS. He reflected on yesterday’s arrest of Kosovo Albanians in the vicinity of Visoki Decani Monastery and said that this confirms what has being known for a long time, that Kosovo could become the center of  religious extremism in the Western Balkan region.

Klacar: OSCE will most probably organize elections in Kosovo (Tanjug, Blic)

So that elections for the Serbian parliament can take place in Kosovo, an agreement needs to be reached between Belgrade and Pristina, through mediation of the EU and Washington, says Bojan Klacar from the Center for Free Elections and Democracy (CESID), and added that it is expected that the OSCE will organize the technical side of the elections, as was the case in 2014.