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Patriotic block to launch petition requesting local Serbian elections in Kosovo (KoSSev)

In spite of the predictions and speculations on elections in Serbia made so far, they have not been called yet. In their speculations, politicians have made it clear that parliamentary elections, once they have been called, will be organized in Kosovo and Metohija, following the exact method used in 2014 when they were facilitated by the OSCE.


Poultry stolen from Serbian granny near Klina (RTK2)

Unknown perpetrators stole hens from seventy-five year old Serbian lady Kata Grujic last night, the only person to have returned to Donji Petric village in Klina/Kllinë municipality in Kosovo.

She went to Serbia proper for a short stay and informed KFOR and an Albanian neighbor, who regularly helps her, that she would be absent a couple of days due to a commemoration service to her husband who died some time ago.


Romania not to change its stance on Kosovo (Vecernje Novosti)

Romania is under pressure to change its stance on Kosovo and recognize the unilateral declaration of independence of Kosovo, but Bucharest will not change its position. This was conveyed to Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic by his Romanina counterpart Lazar Komanesku at the margins of the South-East European Cooperation Process meeting held in Sofia last week.


Kosovo and FYROM sign bilateral agreements (Koha)

The Foreign Ministers of Kosovo and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Hashim Thaci and Nikola Poposki respectively, signed two bilateral agreements in Pristina today, one that will enable the citizens of the two countries to cross the border with their ID cards only, and the other one on opening another crossing point. Kosovo FM Thaci hailed the agreements as very important for the people and the relations between the two countries.

President, what are you waiting for? (Kosova Sot)

The front page of the paper says that new elections in Kosovo are unavoidable because “all the other alternatives to overcome the political crisis, created since the establishment of an insatiable government of elephants, and later the signing of the anti-constitutional agreements, have been exhausted.”  Kosova Sot further notes that based on the Constitution, the power to dissolve the Assembly and announce the date for new elections belongs to the President.

Belgrade - Pristina via FYR Macedonia? (RTS)

At the latest round of talks between Belgrade and Pristina, the Serbian delegation proposed establishing an airline between the two cities. The Serbian delegation's idea is for the planes to enter the air space over FYR Macedonia, making the airline international and talks about delineation of the air space between Serbia proper and Kosovo, favored by Pristina, would be avoided.


Vehicle owned by municipal lawyer torched (Tanjug)

A vehicle owned by a municipal lawyer of Gračanica/Graçanicë in Kosovo, was set on fire last night. Municipal officials had been receiving threats for months, but the police did not manage to identify who were behind them, the RTS reported late Thursday.

This is the third or fourth time that vehicles or property have been torched, said the Mayor of Gračanica/Graçanicë Vladeta Kostic, who hopes that the perpetrators will finally be brought to justice.
