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Hoti: This government will delay visa liberalisation (Telegrafi)

Head of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) parliamentary group, Avdullah Hoti, said that the last week’s EU-Western Balkans summit in Sofia reconfirmed European perspective for the region but underlined that promoting democracy and rule of law as well as fighting corruption and organised crime remain challenges for Kosovo, especially for, as he said, the “fragile” government.

Hoti: We are in no rush with elections but this government has to go (Klan Kosova)

Head of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) parliamentary group, Avdullah Hoti, said at the party’s weekly press conference that the government led by Ramush Haradinaj has to go as it no longer represents the majority in the Assembly. “We have in power a government of minority which cannot speak on behalf of the majority of citizens. In democratic countries the government represents the majority of the people, not the minority. We are in no rush to head to elections but the country cannot be led by a minority government,” Hoti said.

Hoti calls for cleaning up of KLA veterans’ lists (media)

Head of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) parliamentary group, Avdullah Hoti, said that there can be no justice for Kosovo Liberation Army fighters without all stakeholders providing authentic lists of who took part in the conflict. In a Facebook post, Hoti wrote: “Only once those lists are made public, will the true fighters receive deserved recognition…Until then, tax money from Kosovo’s poor citizens will be unjustly used.” Hoti further added that his party would strongly support any move aimed at “full enlightenment” of this process.

Hoti: Thaci’s involvement in dialogue with Serbia is against Assembly resolution (Klan Kosova)

Head of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) parliamentary group, Avdullah Hoti, said that the confusion regarding the dialogue for normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia is only deepening further. He said that in the absence of a new Kosovo Assembly resolution on who should lead the process, the applicable rules remain those outlined in the most recent resolution from 2011 and 2012. According to these, government of Kosovo is authorized to be in charge of the dialogue.

LDK calls on Vetevendosje to change stance on border demarcation (media)

Head of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) parliamentary group, Avdullah Hoti, called on Vetevendosje to change its position on border demarcation with Montenegro and vote in support of the agreement. “LDK is pleased with the consensus. We invite Vetevendosje to join this cause so that we can close this very important issue,” Hoti said.

Hoti: Government breaking records in degradation of Kosovo institutions (Kosovapress/Koha)

Head of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) parliamentary group, Avdullah Hoti, said the current government of Kosovo led by Ramush Haradinaj has “broken records in degradation of state institutions”. Speaking at a press conference today, Hoti said that the first 100 days of the government have been characterized by unlawful decisions and scandals. “We have seen a government with an enormous number of deputy ministers. We have a minister that is accused of torture and another of using a firearm.

Hoti calls on parties to join LDK in preserving friendship with U.S. (Telegrafi)

Avdullah Hoti, head of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) parliamentary group, has called Kosovo’s institutional leaders to demonstrate greater political maturity and not “experiment” and “undermine” relations with countries that helped Kosovo realize the dream for freedom and independence.

LDK leaves Assembly session (RTK)

Head of the Parliamentary Group of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Avdullah Hoti, said today at the beginning of the Assembly session that his political party will leave the session. “During the meeting of the Assembly Presidency yesterday, the agenda was decided based on the power of vote. There was no consensus, therefore we are leaving the Assembly session,” Hoti said.

Hoti: This is an unfortunate day for Kosovo (RTK)

Head of the parliamentary group of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) and Alternativa coalition, Avdullah Hoti, said that it is unfortunate for Kosovo that the Assembly cannot be constituted due to the low bargaining. “It is an unfortunate day for the country, knowing that this coalition was reached with Belgrade’s approval,” Hoti said after the chairman of today’s session, Adem Mikullovci decided to postpone the session due to the absence of MPs from the PAN and AKR.