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On society’s polarization (Koha Ditore)

In his weekly column for the paper, Lumir Abdixhiku writes that the recent events at the Kosovo Assembly are a continuation of an anger that resulted from the breakdown of the post-election coalition between the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Vetevendosje, Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) earlier in the year. This anger was further fuelled by the “arrogant” behaviour of the government which failed to demonstrate the slightest consideration towards the opposition.

Solidarity, as a foundation of the EU, is crumbling (Koha Ditore)

Brussels-based correspondent Augustin Palokaj writes in his opinion piece that throughout its history, the European Union has found ways to overcome numerous divisions. “More recently, it even passed the biggest test so far, how to save Greece from bankruptcy. But the next challenge, a common European response to the refugee crisis, has caused so much accusations and counter-accusations between the member states, that it has shaken the very foundations of the European Union built on the principle of solidarity between the member states,” Palokaj writes.

Is Kosovo a safe place or not? (Koha Ditore)

The paper’s Brussels-based correspondent, Augustin Palokaj, in an opinion piece today writes that the European Union considers Kosovo as a safe place of origin in terms of access to asylum seekers from Kosovo. But, according to him, the EU and many member states consider the security situation in Kosovo still "fragile". “The EU also faces a logical question: If Kosovo is a safe place, then why it needs foreign soldiers and police officers.

A YES for the association of the Presevo Valley (Koha Ditore)

Adriatik Kelmendi considers that the idea for the creation of the Association of the municipalities with Albanian majority in the territory that to majority of Albanians represents Eastern Kosovo while to Serbs southern Serbia, seems to be a delayed one, however it is imposed as a necessity. According to him, reciprocity for Presevo Valley should have been the initial strategy of Albanians as a response to the request for autonomy for Serbs within Kosovo.

UNHCR: Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian families to return to their homes in Mitrovica (Koha)

Representatives of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) on Tuesday met with the Mayor of Mitrovica, Agim Bahtiri, to discuss the possibilities of returning of some of the displaced families from the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities currently living in Montenegro. Representatives of the UNHCR and Bahtiri agreed that after the data collection to start with the process of repatriation. Bahtiri said that the Municipality has supported this process by allocating some hectares of land for the repatriated families.

The three truths of the dialogue (Koha Ditore)

The paper’s Brussels-based correspondent Augustin Palokaj in an opinion piece recalls that Kosovo’s Minister without portfolio, Edita Tahiri, said that Serbia’s Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic signed an agreement with Kosovo with the acronym “Republic of Kosovo” written on the documents. “Surprisingly in the EU they say that ‘this is true’, but in the same way Kosovo’s Prime Minister Isa Mustafa signed agreements which say that everything in the territory of Kosovo is property of the Republic of Serbia,” Palokaj writes.

Europeanisation of “Brussels” (Koha Ditore)

In his series of writings about the Brussels agreements between Pristina and Belgrade, publicist Veton Surroi remarks today that while the agreements are impossible to be rejected, they could nevertheless be reevaluated. This process would however not be sufficient if carried out by the Kosovo Constitutional Court which is known for political decisions and crisis of legitimacy. Even if this was not the case, the Constitutional Court would not be fit to reassess an agreement which is of European, not local, character.

Partition of Kosovo and flag’s colours (Koha Ditore)

KTV’s editor-in-chief Adriatik Kelmendi writes that the Association/Community of Serb majority municipalities is not a product of Serbs but of Albanians and the international community because the Albanians, as a majority community in Kosovo, failed in providing convincing arguments for the minority communities to accept the new reality and look to Pristina instead of elsewhere. Immediately after the conflict, when Albanians gained some powers in Kosovo, they failed to behave as leaders of a modern society which assumes responsibility for all its people, says Kelmendi.