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The bridge of an endless process (Koha Ditore)

Publicist Veton Surroi in an opinion piece today writes that at the time when Kosovo signed four agreements with Serbia in Brussels on 25 August, it showed Kosovo’s readiness to be part of a trap set by Serbian negotiators. “The trap is simple: create tables, which will examine and solve the specific problems by concerned citizens, but without the basic principles with which the negotiations will be guided on the table,” Surroi writes.

Autonomy which is not “FOL” (Koha Ditore)

Publicist Veton Surroi in an opinion piece writes that the recently-agreed Association/Community of Serb majority municipalities is expected to serve as a mediatory communication body between the Kosovo central government and the local governments of the Serb majority municipalities and, at the same time, a communication channel between the Kosovo Serbs and the Serbian government. However, the legal entity on which the Kosovo and Serbia governments agreed to in Brussels is of course no non-governmental organization, adds Surroi.

Families angry over exhumation of their loved ones (Koha Ditore)

The Department of Forensic Medicine (DFM) on Tuesday exhumed some remains, allegedly belonging to three brothers killed during the war in 1999 in Krusha e Vogel. The brother of the three victims, Flurim Hajdari, told the paper that in 2007 the DFM issued a certificate confirming that the remains belonged to his brothers. He said that this action was “scandalous” and he does not believe any longer that the DFM will make proper identification of his brothers.

In effort to read logically some illogical agreements (Koha Ditore)

Adriatik Kelmendi considers that the agreement for the free movement between Pristina and Belgrade, is not reciprocal. He notes that despite the fact that the agreement was a necessity, it in fact “only mended the problem, without resolving it. Seeing the reactions and Serbia’s damage caused to Kosovo, and reach of the two agreements for free movement without resolving the problem, Minister Tahiri stated in half voice that Serbia should accept Kosovo license plates, or Kosovo party would in a certain time implement the reciprocal measures.

Invitation for democratic debate with Muslim Kosovars (Koha Ditore)

Opinion writer of this daily, Halil Matoshi, considers that the global anti-terror war in Kosovo is fabricated. “Without wanting to deny Al-Qaeda’s immorality and especially ISIS’s brutality, it should be stressed that our “guilty conscience” at this era which the French philosopher Jean Baudrillard assesses as the beginning of the fourth world war, in Kosovo is only an invention,” he writes.

KAF, false dilemma (Koha Ditore)

Publicist Veton Surroi, in his series of articles covering the recent developments in Kosovo, writes today about the Kosovo Armed Forces (KAF). He says that in the coming weeks and months, there will be an attempt to present to the Kosovo Assembly two constitutional amendments, both interconnected: the proposal for transforming the Kosovo Security Force (KSF) into Kosovo Armed Forces (KAF) and for establishment of the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities.

Albanians, Serbs and Constitution after Special Court (Koha Ditore)

Publicist and former publisher of Koha Ditore, Veton Surroi, claims that on the day Kosovo Assembly approved constitutional amendment paving way for establishment of the special court, it also made the following statement: that Kosovo and international institutions (UNMIK, EULEX), were and are not capable of dealing with crimes alleged in the Council of Europe’s report. As a result of this, Kosovo institutions gave up part of sovereignty and delegate it to an external force.

Beyond pathetic (Koha Ditore)

Lumir Abdixhiku, executive director of the Pristina-based Riinvest Institute, argues that the formation of the special court was the best among the available solutions. “Kosovo had a moral, legal and international obligation to address allegations of crimes. Kosovo had no longer the right to do so itself. Nationalistic, euphoric and pathetic discussions would only send the country toward isolation … Beyond the special court, Kosovars should be more concerned with the political level in the country.

Deep mistrust between Kosovars and internationals (Koha Ditore)

The paper’s Brussels-based correspondent, Augustin Palokaj, argues in his opinion piece that one today can easily find senior Western diplomats who unofficially express negative remarks about certain Kosovo’s politicians. “And certainly, Chuck Sudetic, a former associate of Carla del Ponte, was able to find such diplomats in Brussels and Washington when he authored a very incriminating article against Hashim Thaci and Kosovo’s leadership”.

Albanian communication skills (Koha)

The Brussels based correspondent of this daily, Augustin Palokaj, writes that the public opinion in Kosovo is recently dealing with an interview that the President of Kosovo, Atifete Jahjaga, gave to the German public broadcaster, ZDF. “We call it a failed interview, because the German journalist did not receive an answer to the question that concerns the German opinion and the President also did not manage to convey her message, for which we do not know what it was,” Palokaj writes.