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It is the right time to strike a blow at Kosovo’s élite (Koha Ditore)

The paper carries an opinion piece from Andrea Lorenzo Capussela, who was head of the economics unit of the International Civilian Office in Kosovo and member of the Board of Directors at Kosovo's Privatization Agency from 2008 until 2011. He has recently published the book "State-building in Kosovo: Democracy, Corruption and the EU in the Balkans. Below find the full text of the opinion piece:

Kosovo warns with “reciprocity measures” against Serbia (Radio Free Europe)

“The Kosovo government will act in reciprocity in the future if the Serbian government continues to arrest high-ranking officers or officials of the state of Kosovo,” Kosovo’s Foreign Minister Enver Hoxhaj said in an interview with Radio Free Europe. Hoxhaj said the arrest of Kosovo Police regional director Nehat Thaci by Serbian authorities was "an unacceptable act" and added that increased efforts were underway to release him. Thaci was arrested on Thursday at the Koncul border crossing point based on a Serbian arrest warrant for terror charges.

Hoxhaj: Thaçi’s arrest unacceptable, we will do the utmost (KalnKosova)

Enver Hoxhaj, Foreign Minister of Kosovo, spoke today at the meeting of the government of Kosovo about the arrest of the director of Mitrovica regional police, Nehat Thaçi.

He said that the Ministry is dealing with the case and that they are giving their maximum. He added that Thaçi’s arrest by Serbian authorities is unacceptable.

Dačić and Hoxhaj eye to eye (Kossev)

Serbian and Kosovo Foreign Ministers Ivica Dačić and Enver Hoxhaj, attended the working lunch organized by Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz.

"An important meeting with Sebastian Kurz and Johannes Hahn and colleagues from the Western Balkans to discuss issues affecting the region and Europe", Kosovo Foreign Minister Enver Hoxhaj published a photo on his Twitter account of the working lunch in New York, where he sits across from the Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dačić.

Hoxhaj: Kosovo should intensify relations and benefit from CoE (Koha)

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kosovo, Enver Hoxhaj, hosted today a meeting with the recently appointed head of the Office of the Council of Europe in Pristina, Isabelle Galluci. Hoxha valued highly the constructive approach of the Office of the CoE in Pristina on significant projects and its assistance offered to Kosovo.  “Kosovo is interested to develop relations and benefit from  the Council of Europe expertize in order to improve its governing and respect the human rights in Kosovo,” Hoxhaj said.