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Djuric: Serbs obstructed to take part in elections because they are Serbs (RTS)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Marko Djuric said the announcements to deny the right to candidacy of the Serbian candidates in local mayoral elections in the northern Kosovo represents the gravest violation of the fundamental human and political rights of the Serbs.

Djuric and Serbian List: ''Trajkovic is only one of the participants in the destruction of the state reputation'' (KoSSev)

It is necessary to determine whether Rada Trajkovic is telling the truth or what kind of evidence she has to be making „dangerous and shameful allegations“ of „state terrorism“ in the case of the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, the Head of the Kosovo Office, Marko Djuric reacted to Trajkovic’s guest appearance on TV N1 today, during which she spoke about the allegations coming from Djuric, the President of Serbia and the tabloids that her testimony to the Kosovo Prosecutor’s Office allegedly led to the extension of the custody of two suspected Serbs.

Srpska Lista reacts to organized lynch against Marko Djuric (RTV Puls)

Srpska Lista in the strongest terms condemned yesterday “an organized lynch and mongering campaign against Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director, Marko Djuric, whose only blame was that he had a courage to publicly condemn and reveal insidiousness of Rada Trajkovic, representative of all fake patriots in Serbia,” RTV Puls reported.

Srpska Lista added “Rada Trajkovic and some social media users find it as a virtue to hate and despise your own state, and a sin when you stand up in its defense.”

Hoxha: Trajkovic made a statement last year (KoSSev)

Belgrade-based tabloid Alo reported two days ago that the leader of the Serb European Movement from Kosovo, Rada Trajkovic gave a statement to the Kosovo Prosecutor’s Office which was allegedly the reason why the custody of two Serbs from Mitrovica North, accused of involvement in the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, was extended, KoSSev portal reports.

Meanwhile, Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Marko Djuric harshly criticized Trajkovic yesterday, while Trajkovic herself denied these allegations, arguing she was not a witness in Ivanovic’s case.

Alliance for Serbia: Marko Djuric to resign over lynch against Rada Trajkovic (Danas)

Alliance for Serbia (SzS) has condemned today “a lynch and drawing a target on Rada Trajkovic” conducted, as they said in the press statement, “by the regime tabloid Alo and Marko Djuric,” Danas daily reported.

According to the Alliance for Serbia, the tabloid Alo and Djuric “utter monstrous lies on the involvement of Rada Trajkovic in the murder investigation of Oliver Ivanovic, run by the Kosovo prosecution.”

Tabloid Alo, Djuric accuse Rada Trajkovic of testifying against Serbian state, Trajkovic denies and announces lawsuit (KoSSev)

The tabloid Alo accused the Kosovo Serb politician Rada Trajkovic yesterday of testifying in case of the murder of Oliver Ivanovic thus “becoming an accomplice in the plot to steer the Ivanovic’s murder investigation in the wrong direction and accuse the state of Serbia, its political elite and security structures of this act”, KoSSev portal reported.

Djuric on Serb unity, ambulance vehicle case (RTS)

People who make decision to ban an ambulance vehicle to cross an administrative line can not be called civilized people, Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric told RTS. He added regardless of all threats and intimidation by Pristina, Serbs would remain united.

“Such a case makes you speechless. I urge the entire international community to pay attention to this case (…),” Djuric said.

Kosovo's Special Prosecutor Hoxha: We have reasons to suspect that Radoicic was involved in Ivanovic's murder (NIN, KIM radio)

By gathering evidence during the investigation, we have come to the reasonable suspicion that Radoicic worked with people who are now in custody, and who are suspected of having participated or assisting the perpetrators of the murder of the SDP leader, Oliver Ivanovic. Of course, all this has yet to be confirmed, says the Kosovo Special Prosecutor, Sylë Hoxha to the Belgrade based weekly NIN, KIM radio is quoting.

Serbs go for elections, so Albanians would not take over control of north (Serbian media)

Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija have made the decision to participate in the forthcoming mayoral elections in the northern Kosovo municipalities, Serbian media report.

This was stated after the meeting of the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and political representatives of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija. As it was announced, the decision was taken to prevent Albanians take over control of the north in Kosovo and Metohija by 0.1 or 1 percent (of votes).

Djuric: We will knock on all doors to make Pristina revoke tariffs (BETA, TV N1, RTS)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Marko Djuric said on Saturday that he spoke to US officials in Washington about ending the tariffs which Pristina introduced for Serbian products and said he will “knock on every door” in the world to present Serbia’s arguments.

Djuric told Serbian public broadcaster that he spoke to US State Department Deputy Assistant Secretary Matthew Palmer and representatives of the US Congress, the US National Security Council, and the US Senate and informed them of the situation Serbia is currently in.