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US envoy "promised Milosevic US would not recognize Kosovo" (B92)

Ivica Dacic seems to be in charge of making waves these days - after the Kosovo "delimitation" proposal, he has spoken about "Holbrooke's Kosovo letter."

The Serbian foreign minister and first deputy prime minister spoke for the tabloid Srpski Telegraf, to recall that no state body in the country is in possession of the original copy of the Dayton Agreement - the peace accord that in 1995 ended the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Dacic: My plan removes causes of war between Serbs and Albanians (B92, RTS)

Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic says his proposal about "delineation" in Kosovo will eliminate "the causes of war" between Serbs and Albanians.

He reiterated that Serbia will "never recognize the unilateral independence of Kosovo."

"I am trying to propose a lasting solution because it is based on a compromise between historical and ethnic rights, that implies a delineation of what is Serb and what is Albanian," Dacic told RTS.

“It is shame to use commemoration for political promotion” (RTV KIM, Radio Gorazdevac)

Spasoje Dakic, close relative to the murdered Pantelija Dakic, stated on Sunday, following the commemoration of the murdered Serb youth at the River Bistrica 14 years ago, it is regretful that politicians come to the commemoration in Gorazdevac just to be photographed.

Spasoje said to the journalists that no one comes to visit families of murdered and injured Serb youngsters. To at least ask them how they are doing, Spasoje said.

Kurti: Dialogue with Serbs, ZSO imagined as new RS (RTS, Tanjug)

Self-determination movement candidate for the Kosovo Prime Minsiter, Albin Kurti said he is not against the dialogue, but thinks this dialogue should be held with Serbs from Kosovo, while for the Association of the Serb Communities, he said it is imagined as a new Republic of Srpska, Serbian media reported.

Kurti said that during the last six-years of dialogue there was too much investment and too little benefits.

According to him, “the time has come to think why it went that way. We need to talk with the EU about negotiations with Belgrade.”

Someone's trying to cause damage to Serbia over Russian-Serbian Humanitarian Centre (B92, Vecernje Novosti)

The Russian ambassador believes the reason for not solving the issue of the RSHC is "the desire of some forces to cause additional damage to Serbia".

"By undermining this center, these forces are trying to show that there are other bosses of this country, rather than the Serbs. However, only Belgrade should make a sovereign decision here in any case," Aleksandr Chepurin in an interview for the daily Vecernje Novosti.

German soldiers after 18 years leave base near Prizren (Tanjug)

The German Army after 18 years has handed over to the United Nations Mission in Kosovo to use the base at the Cviljen hill near Prizren.

KoSSev portal, referring to the report of Pristina-based daily „Bota Sot“ said the German Bundeswehr, as a part of KFOR Mission, established this base in 1999 and used it till Wednesday.

Oliver Ivanovic's car set on fire (KoSSev portal, B92)

A car owned by Oliver Ivanovic was set on fire in the northern Mitrovica at 04:00 hours CET on Friday morning, Serbian media are reporting.

Kossev portal received confirmation of the incident from both Ivanovic and from the deputy regional chief of Kosovo Police, Besim Hoti.

It is reported that the car, a VW Passat, was parked in front of the pharmacy in Lole Ribara Street when it was torched.

The case is considered an arson attack that caused general danger.

Serbia can't do much about Kosovo now, and should wait (Sputnik, B92)

At this point, Serbia could only accept Kosovo's independence, which would allow it to join NATO and the UN. That's why it should perhaps wait, analysts have told Sputnik.

Dialogue and discussion about the solution of the Kosovo and Metohija issue is needed. The only question is the approach to this problem. The state can only gain from the passing of time, analysts say.

Marko Jakišić writes an open letter to Vučić: Seal of treason and dishonor is more important than money and Nobel Prize (NSPM Magazine)

In an open letter to Serbian President Vučić, which was published on 25 July in Nova srpska politicka misao magazine, Marko Jakšić, former prominent member of Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) and the leading member of “Fatherland” (Otadzbina) movement said that the reason for this letter is Vučić’s “intention to finally solve the status of Kosovo and Metohija”.

“One can feel in the air your desire to get rid of the southern Serbian province, because, for God’s sake, as you say, you will not leave that problem to your children” Jakšić said in his opening remarks.

President Vucic won't say if partition of Kosovo is "one option" (Tanjug, B92)

According to President Aleksandar Vucic, an agreement can be reached on Kosovo "only if both sides are dissatisfied, or at least a little satisfied."

Revisiting on Tuesday his idea about launching an "internal dialogue" about Kosovo, the Serbian president said it would be extremely important - "because afterwards, we will be much more objective and responsible in terms of Kosovo and Metohija, whether or not there is an agreement."