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Vucic: Serbs from Kosovo requested a permission to leave all Kosovo institutions (N1, Serbian media)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that the representatives of the Kosovo Serbs, both from the south and from the north, asked from him
to leave all the Kosovo institutions and added that he asked them to wait for an answer for a maximum of 45 days, in order to have the opportunity to speak with the Chinese President and other world leaders.

A Kosovo deputy, Gorani, withheld support to Haradinaj after the election of the Minister Diana Zivic (Blic, Kontakt plus radio, Radio Mitrovica Sever)

A Kosovo deputy, from the Gorani community, withheld his support to Haradinaj after Diana Zivic's election as minister.

After the reaction of the representatives of the Serbs in Kosovo to the appointment of Dijana Zivic as the new Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development in Kosovo instead of Nenad Rikalo, also reacted and a representative of the Gorani community.

Simic rejects Thaci pledge to revoke tariffs (RTS, N1, Beta, KIM radio)

Deputy leader of the Serbian List Igor Simic told Radio Television of Serbia that Kosovo President Hashim Thaci’s statement that he was prepared to revoke the 100 percent tariffs on Serbian goods is a fabrication.

Thaci told the Washington Post over the weekend that he is  "ready to consider lifting the tariffs if a clear way to proceed towards reaching a final peace agreement with Serbia is opened for Kosovo."

Serbian list will not participate in the work of the Kosovo Assembly (Kontakt plus radio, KIM radio, RTV Puls)

The Serbian List says it will not participate in the work of the Kosovo Assembly until a 100-percent tariffs are withdrawn for the imports of goods from central Serbia.

The Serbian List stated that the position of the deputies was "not to participate in the work of the assembly in Pristina until the tariffs imposed by Pristina have been withdrawn, which thereby endangered the survival of the Serb people in Kosovo."

Kossev: Srpska List and Srdjan Vulovic on Slavisa Ristic: “An errand boy of Ramush Haradinaj”

While massive protests are being held in the Serbian capital against the rise of verbal and physical violence in Serbia and the policies carried out by Serbian President, Aleksandar Vucic, with one of the four demands of the protesters for the perpetrators and the instigators of the murder of Oliver Ivanovic to be found, the most influential Kosovo Serb party – Srpska Lista continues to sign statements in which it negatively describes those it sees as opponents of that policy.

Serbian List: The lie of Hashim Thaci that the Serbs feel safe (RTS)

The Serbian List says that only in the first six months of this year, according to the data of international organizations, there were 173 ethnically motivated incidents and attacks on Serbs in Kosovo, reports Radio Television of Serbia (RTS).

The Serbian List and the Serbian people in Kosovo deny the cynical assessment by Hashim Thaci that the Serbs feel safe after the creation of the so-called Kosovo army, reads the statement of the Serbian List.

Jaksic: Exaggerated stories on humanitarian catastrophe (Danas)

Marko Jaksic, representative of the national movement of the Serbs "Fatherland", said in an interview with Belgrdae based daily Danas that the state pharmacies in Mitrovica North are not full, but he says that they were not full even before the sanctions. The shops and private pharmacies are full and adds that they would be even fuller if Belgrade allowed alternative ways of supplying goods, but official Belgrade does not allow it, so it can continue spreading the story of a humanitarian catastrophe.

Simic: We invest in peace and Pristina in destabilization (RTS)

Representative of the Serbian List Slavko Simic told RTS that the attempt to transform KSF into the Kosovo Army is not acceptable to Serbs who expect this to be unacceptable for the international community also.

Slavko Simic said that the position of the Serbian List is clear and that they are against the violation of Resolution 1244.

Serbian List: Ghosts of political past are undermining Serbian unity (TV Most, N1)

At a time when the Serbian people face the biggest crisis ever, and when the Pristina’s decision to block the distribution of Serbian medicines, food, press and other necessities are ghettoizing the Serbian people; when the survival of Serbs is most directly threatened by forming of some kind of Kosovo army, the ghosts of the political past are trying to undermine the unity of Serbian people in Kosovo, the Serbian List announced today, reports TV Most based in Zvecan.

Church desecrated in Vitina municipality (KIM radio, TV Most, Kontakt plus radio, N1, Beta)

The Orthodox church of St Nicholas in a village Grncare, in the municipality of Vitina, has been robbed and vandalized, announced the Serbian List on Monday.

The List said that the interior of the church had been desecrated and called for the perpetrators to be found quickly “in order to send a clear message that this type of behaviour and endangering of the peace is unacceptable,” reported Serbian media.